Moving In

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Keisha: So let me get this straight. You got into it with your dad last night then he attacked you after you told him he was now dead to you and told you once you leave you can’t go back. And the boys came and got you last night.

Meesha: Yup that’s everything

Keisha: And now you want to stay with them

Meesha: Yop

Keisha: So what happens when everyone goes home from holidays and stuff like that

Meesha: Never thought of that…

Ray: Well I’m happy to take her with me

Prod: Me too and besides she still has Cali

Keisha: So why not live with Cali?

Meesha: Because then my dad will always know where I am. I don’t want that at all

Keisha: (sigh) Meesha you’re putting me between a rock and a hard place

Meesha: Please Ms. Gamble I’m begging you just let me stay

Keisha:… Fine you can stay

Ray: Thank you soo much Keish!!

Meesha: Yea thanks a lot 

Keisha: Mm hmm well just work hard when you’re doing your music and we’ll never have a problem

Meesha: Done and done!

Keisha: Okay get ready guys we have to head out to the studio one last time so get ready. I’ll go tell the rest of them too

Boys: Okay

Meesha: One last time?

Ray: Ohh um yea. We’re leaving New York tomorrow to go back home.

Prod: Home for you, you mean cause my home is in Philly

Ray: Yea yea yea

Meesha: LA?? I’m going with you guys to LA??

Ray: Ha ha yea welcome to life on the road

Meesha: Wait what about Cali?

Prod: What about her?

Meesha: Is she coming too? I don’t want to leave her

Prod: Yea she’s already packed and waiting at the studio

(Door knocking)

Ray: Who is it

?: Prince and Roc we heard Meesha is here and she’s staying with us. Is it true?

Meesha: (opens the door) Does this answer your question?

Roc: Meesha (picks her up) it’s truuuuuue

Princeton: Yess!! Welcome to our little family them Meesha

Meesha: Aw thanks Prince

Prince: Hey Ray ready to go to your little hide out for the last time

Ray: Yup! Until next time

Prince:… Hey Prod

Prod: (rolls his eyes) Bye Princeton (walks out) If you need me I’m in the car

Ray: I just don’t get why he’s upset still. I thought he was over it

Prince: Me too. But we know how Prodigy is he takes things to the heart

Meesha: What happened?

Prince: Prod still doesn’t like the fact that I tried to talk to Cali in the beginning.

Meesha: Awe look at him getting all protective of his girl. That’s whats going on with him. You guys are very protective over your women

Ray: How you figure that?

Meesha: You were at my side when I had the nightmare last night. And you actually stayed there all night

Roc+Prince: AWE!

Ray: (blushing) Yea well you mean a lot to me girl

Meesha: Awe Ray! Welllll if you guys will excuse me I think it is time I get dressed. Meet yall in the car?

Ray: Sure

(30 minutes later)

Meesha: Okay I’m ready (getting in the car)

Roc: It’s about time!

Meesha: Oh hush!

Keisha: Good everyone is here. Did you guys start to pack up yet

MB: Yes!

Jacob: I done! I’m ready for LA

Keisha: Great job Jacob at least I know you’re all set now you boys have to-

Ray: (drifting off in thought) Man look at her. Even when she’s going through a rough time she still looks good. And that mini skirt she’s wearing is giving me some ideas. Damn she’s just so sexy I just want to get her alone and-

Meesha: RAY! Ms Keisha is talking to you!!

Ray: Oh! What you say Keish

Keisha: I said did you call your mom last night? You know how she feels about you not keeping in touch

Ray: Oh! Yea before I went to bed the first time I called her

Keisha: Well fellas here we are. And since it’s our last day here you guys are free to roam the area but be back around 7 tonight so we can patch some things up and then we’ll be off to the hotel again.

Meesha: Got it

Boys: Okay!


Ray: What’s “OMM” mean?

Meesha: Well uh um it means Oh My Mindless. Its my sub for OMG since my dad… my dad- h-he d-didn’t like it when you use God’s name i-in vain (tears up)

Ray: Don’t cry Meesha. It will get better in time. Besides Cali wouldn’t want to see you cry

Meesha: True… okay I’m good now

Cali: MEESHA!!!!

Meesha: Caliiiii!!!!!! I’m so glad to see you

Cali: Me too

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