Now We Can Be Together

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??? So she thinks she’s winning now huh? Shes taking my place in his life! We would have gotten back together if only he had given it time. He loves me! He has to still love me! California is as good as gone for taking my precious Prod from me. She WILL know the pain I’m feeling right now. This isn’t over heffa. Not until someone’s dead…

(Cali POV)

Cali: I’m scared! Need I saw more? I want to runaway and hide Meesh! I-I just cant stay in his life knowing that some crazed chick is out there plotting my funeral

Meesha: I know Cal but you cant just run away from it. He vowed to protect you. Besides (rubbing her back) You have something that the other girl doesn’t

Cali: Which is?

Meesha: God on your side

Cali: (smiles) Thanks Meesha!

Ray: Girls! I think its time we get our minds off of this. We have about 2 hours left so lets eat

Cali+Prod: Yes! (looks at each other and laughs)

Meesha: Wow two fatties go figure

Ray: I know right!

(Two hours later)

Keisha: Okay guys time to say good bye to New York

Princeton: Ugh I’ll miss this place

Meesha: Oh yeaa Ray you never did get to tell me what you wanted to say

Ray: Y-yea I guess I didn't. Its okay though I'll wait

Meesha: You sure?

Ray: Positive

Roc: Enough chit chat I'm getting on this bus

Ray: Not if I get there first

Prince: A race? I'm in

Prodigy: Not without me you're not

Jacob: I'm in too!

Cali: Ugh boys!

Meesha: Tell me about it!

(A few stops later)

Prod: You okay Meesh? You don't look so good

Meesha: Its nothing just a little car sick

Ray: You too huh?

Meesha: Yea I guess its from being on this bus too long

Cali: (walking in) I kind of feel a little sick too

Keisha: Who's sick?

(Cali+Ray+Meesha raise their hands)

Cali: I-I (throws up)

Meesha: Dang Cali that's gros- (runs to the bathroom)

Ray: (runs to the garbage)

Prod: (laughing) It's probably those tacos yall ate! I told yall to stick with something simple.

(3 days later)


Keisha: Coming Ray! How's it feeling?

Ray: Worst!

Prod: I can't believe you guys are still sick! This is the longest stomach virus ever

Meesha: Tell me about it!

Cali: (laying on Prod's lap) Prod... I feel awful

Prod: I know Cal but it will be over soon!

Cali: if you say s- (running to throw up)

Prod: Awe I feel bad for you guys.

Jacob: They still sick?

Prod: Yup!

Roc: Haha Keisha got them on quarantine too.

Ray: For real! I feel like an intoxicated lab rat or something

Jacob: I almost laughed at her when she told us to put on gloves and masks if we came back here

Prod: Well I'm always back here and I'm fine

Roc: That's what I said!

Princeton: What I don't get is why I'm not sick

Prod: Oh yea! You had the same thing as them didn't you?

Princeton: Yup and that taco was the bomb too

Roc: Yup sure was!

Princeton: You didn't order the taco

Roc: No but I ate some of yours when you went to the bathroom

Jacob: Me too! It tasted bland though so I put salt and pepper in those three food.

Princeton: I KNEW IT!! Eating my food and ish. Tuh!

Prod: Wait a minute so everyone had the taco, well apart from me but only these three are sick? This doesn't add up...

(Somewhere not far from the bus)

??? Yup! I poisoned their food. Well not me per say it was one of my little helpers. He's been helping me the whole time! He's such a good little puppet. The sad part is he doesn't realize he's helping me at all (tisk tisk) poor idiot! He thought he was just sprinkling some salt and pepper on their food but he was doing my dirty work. And when he accidentally spilled the "salt" all over Cali's plate I almost cried tears of joy! Too bad dear Meesha got hit with the salt trick it wasn't meant for her at all Ray however deserved it as well as Cali. Ray is the reason me and my Prod aren't together anymore. Oh Jacob! You did good! Maybe I can use these other bimbos Princeton and Roc to my advantage too. But first! Let me spread the good news of Cali's death to my love!

(The text) "Finally! We will be together again baby! Just think of all the things we can catch up on once Cali's gone! This time tomorrow she'll be dead anyways from that "stomach virus" and then... We can be together ;) -love your wifey♥

Prod: (Receiving the text) K-keisha!! We have to get these three to a hospital... NOW! (Drops his phone)

Cali: What was that about

Meesha: (Picking up Prods phone) U-um Cali?

Cali: Yes?

Meesha: Now would be a good time to start praying...

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