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(Robin POV)

I couldn’t help but stare at Shay. She is such a beautiful girl and I wish she knew that. Her long brown hair with the blond highlights fell perfectly on her shoulders in the curls I did for her. Her makeup was perfect it almost looked like she wasn’t wearing any at all apart from the eyeliner and red lipstick. Her little mini and fishnets really brought out her perfect body and the blue ruffled top brought attention to her boobs. Yup! I did well if I do say so myself! There is absolutely no way that Roc can keep his eyes off her tonight.

Shay: What?! You’ve been staring at me all night! Is there something on my face?!

Robin: Noo! (laughs) You’re perfect

Shay: (smiles) Thanks

Robin: (thinking) Wow that smile is amazing. Sometimes I wish I was Shay she is just so beautiful and smart and… I think I love her… I-I mean just as a friend, I think…

Shay: Here we are! Ready?

Robin: Ready… (looks Shay up and down) Mm you look sexy Shay

Shay: (smiling) I try… of course its all because of you. You look amazing yourself but then again you look sexy all the time

Robin: (laughs) Well you know how I do (thinking) Wait was she flirting back? Is she feeling me? Wait what the hell am I saying?! I’m not bisexual, am I?

Shay: Well are you gunna knock or are we gunna stay on their porch like lawn gnomes

Robin: Hey you have hands too (rings bell)

(Roc POV)

I’m so ready for this dinner date we have going. I’m more excited to see the girls. They are the cutest things ever even though I kind of think I should of went for Robin sometimes she’s more girly and Shay is beautiful and very intelligent but I feel inferior to her. But Princeton really likes Robin so I guess I’ll try this out with Shay again tonight (Doorbell rings)

Roc: I got it! (Opens door) Well hello lad- (looks at Shay) ies… Wooow Shay!

Shay: Hey Roc (blushes) what’s up

Roc: Nothing much just you know (leaning over Shay) looking at the most beautiful lady here

Robin: (Clears throat)

Roc: Oh! Sorry Rob you look sexy too but uh I’m used to it now (winks)

Robin: Oh whatever Roc! Where’s Prince?

Prince: Right here (waves)

Robin: (smiles wide) Princeton!

Prince: (laughs) What’s up Robin?

Robin: The sky (laughs)

Prince: Wow oh so clever

Robin: Sarcasm was not needed. (touches his hair) This is random but can I braid this fro for you?

Prince: Of course! Why not… you uh really like my hair don’t you

Robin: Its so soft. I love your hair texture

Prince: You like doing hair huh?

Robin: And makeup too. I want to be a cosmetologist when I’m older

Prince: Ahh I see! Did you give Shay a makeover?

Robin: Sure did! Looks good doesn’t it?

Prince: (checking Shay out) Mmmmm hmmm

Robin: (Hits Prince) So she’s in a skirt once and I get no attention now

Prince: Oh jealous are we?

Robin: Maybe... What you gunna do about it?

Prince: Well I could just tell you that you are the prettiest, sexiest, most beautiful, ambitious girl I’ve ever met. Or I could do this (Leaning in)

Robin: (Smiles and leans in)

(Prod POV)

Prod: Okay you two kids get a room!

Cali: I know you aren’t talking babe. Leave them alone

Prince+Robin: (Laughs)

Prince: Hey Prod this is Robin

Robin: Hey nice to meet you

Prod: Same to you. Be good now and don’t let this fool get too out of control tonight.

Robin: (laughing) I’ll take care of him tonight (winks)

Cali: Ohh girl I can tell you’ll be the boss tonight (laughs)

Prod: Well I don’t care what you two do just don't get pregnant

Cali: Abstinence is key

Prod: (looking at Cali) HAA! Coming from you miss thang

Cali: Okay look here big mouth what we just d-

Prod: (Covers Cali mouth)

Cali: Mmmm mm mm mmmm mm mmmm

Prince: Mm hmm what’s that about?

Prod: Don’t worry about it. Where’s Roc? I know he wanted me to meet, uh Shay is it?

Robin: Yup they’re in the kitchen

Prod: Cool… Um Cali babe?

Cali: What!

Prod: Maybe we shouldn’t talk about what we just did

Cali: Why not? Are you ashamed of doing it with me?

Prod: No! Not at all! Its just that it I told you it was my first time but uh the guys think I’ve done this soo many times before

Cali: Well I wouldn’t tell them it was your first babe

Prod: Can we just not talk about it at all?

Cali: Um fine, sure whatever you want.

Prod: (kisses her cheek) Thanks. There you guys are!

Roc: Oh hey what’s up Prod, and Mrs. Prod

Cali: (blushes) Oh stoooop

Roc: I’d like you two to meet Shay

Shay: Pleasure to meet you guys (Holds her hand out)

Cali: Pleasure is all ours (Reaches for her hand)

Prod: Wait, (grabs Cali’s hand) don’t I know you from somewhere?

Shay: No I don’t think so, I mean I’ve been to your concerts many times but we have never met

Prod: N-no I know you, Like in a distant memory somewhere

Shay: NO YOU DON’T! I-I mean no you don’t know me Prodigy

Prod: Then how do you know my name

Cali: Baby she just said she’s been your concerts and besides everyone knows your names (smiles) I’m sorry for him Shay it was really nice to meet you though hope you guys have a great night

Shay: (Forces a smile) Yea of course thank you! Have a nice night out

Prod: (Glaring at Shay)

Cali: (nods) Yea, come one Prod (pulling him out) What has gotten into you Craig!?

Prod: There’s something about that girl I don’t like at all! I do not trust her

Cali: YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HER! How can you judge someone you don’t know?

Prod: Ugh! Fine I guess you have a point… a small tiny point

Cali: (smiles) Look baby how about we just go and get your mind off... whatever it is your mind is on

(Shay POV)

That was too damn close! I thought he would have forgotten who I was by now! I just hope I didn’t mees anything up because the boss would kill me for sure even if she’s my sister!

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