The ride to the store was too funny for words, Legacy and Liberty argued more in the twenty minutes it took for us to get to the mall than me and Devin have our entire relationship. They really were siblings because only a sibling could get away with half the things they said to each other. We got to the mall and decided it would be quicker to split up, me and Cadence went one way while we left Liberty and Legacy  to argue.

"Why are you being so quiet sis?" I asked as we walked into some clothes store Cadence either didn't hear me or was ignoring me, I'm guessing she didn't hear me because for the past two hours Cadence had been in her own world, she kept walking before stopping  and started staring at baby clothes. "Are you pregnant?" I asked.

"WHAT?! No...... I'm just looking. With all the nieces and nephews I got it wouldn't hurt to have extra." Cadence said brushing her hair behind her head. "Plus I'm worried about Dominique, when I talked yesterday he seemed really stressed..... when I asked him if he was coming with us he said no he said he had 'unfinished business' and he also didn't want me to say anything to our brothers but if something happens......... and I didn't say anything it'll all be my fault."

"Look I'll talk to Khalil and Zyshaun, they'll handle everything. Let's just finish shopping before those two kill each other." I said as I heard Legacy and Liberty's loud voices getting closer.

"Legacy I swear to god you got one more time and I promise I'll knock your ass out, don't forget I used to whoop your ass all up and down the house when we were little." Liberty said.

"You were little?" Legacy asked laughing and I just shook my head. "I'm just fuckin with you sis, I hardly get to see you because you're always with Cam and I kinda miss you."

"Fuck you........ I can't help it that Cam's dick keeps me incapacitated for days at a time, asked Blaze because I know Devin be leaving him speechless, say I'm lying." Liberty said looking at me.

"No comment let's.........." I stopped talking because something just felt off, I looked around because I had a feeling we were being watched but I didn't see anything. Damn I must be trippin. "Let's get back to the house before Devin and Cam have my kids baby wrestling again." I said walking to the register, but I couldn't shake that feeling I got earlier.

When we got back to the house Devin, Cam and Sa'vion had turned the living room into a big ass wrestling area to make matters worse they had AJ and Marquise joined in on the fun, Darion started screaming and I moved to get him but then I realized he was laughing.

"Calm down Tori, they're having fun I'm not going to let anything happen to neither one of them." Devin said smiling until Odion bit him on the leg. I put the bags down and walked into the kitchen, where Khalil and Marcus were sitting talking  quietly, I knew there was no point in asking to talking to Khalil privately because he was going to tell Marcus anyways so I told them everything Cadence said even though it wasn't much.

"Thanks...... but I already got a couple people watching him. He's strong willed, he doesn't feel like he needs help but I'm not going to back off my it's just my overprotective nature. He'll be fine." Khalil said with some uncertainty in his voice, before I could say something someone picked me up from behind and carried me into the backyard.

"So I wanna run a few things by you the first being about the school thing, I wanna compromise. They can go to private school up until middle school, then I wanna move back here and put them in school with their cousins." Devin said looking in my eyes, I honestly wanted to keep them in private school until the graduated but this compromise could save us years of petty argument.

"Okay we got a deal." I said kissing him.

"Aight the second thing is, what we're going to do with this house....... I'm inclined to rent it out instead of selling it and I've already found our first tenant, Sa'vion." Devin said. "Look he's my brother and no shade but that place he's living in now isn't really the best and I kinda don't wanna sell this place, it was the first house we bought together and I kinda wanna keep it."

"Devin....... it's whatever, I actually wanted to keep it too but he better not fuck this house up and under no circumstances is he allowed to change the Black Room." I said kissing him again. "Aight so what else do you got for me?" I asked.

"Khalil and Marcus said they'll keep the boys for a couple hours, since we're staying over there before we all leave for the trip they wanna take them now so they can put all the kids to sleep at the same time. Which means we got the house to ourselves......... so I want you naked in exactly two minutes." Devin said grabbing my ass. "This last thing is non-negotiable."

"Aight Shrimp Dick but you better come with it." I said kissing him, as he started pulling me in the house my eye caught something completely outta place. "Devin have you been in the garden?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nah but somebody told me there was a pack of dogs roaming the neighborhood, they probably got back here and messed it up. But seriously Tori quit stalling you got forty-five seconds left..... grab my Cowboy hat." Devin said and I started walking back into the house but something about that just felt off to me.... it didn't matter once we got back from our trip we were moving and leaving all our problems here in Texas..........................

***** In the last chapter I've gotten a lot of questions about what exactly my plan was for the spinoff. So to clear up any confusion here are the options: 1) After I finish Homecoming I will do a ten chapter mini-series that would lead into the spinoff or 2) Don't do the mini-series and just go straight to the spinoff. Hopefully this clears up any confusion that some people may have had and as always if you have any question please message me or comment. Thanks. *****

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now