"It's lovely to meet you. We haven't had any new people in this town for years." Mary laughs.

"Really?" I ask.

"Oh yes, Crescent Falls is tiny. Not very well known." Mary winks.

I laugh a little and notice mum and dad approaching.

They introduce themselves again and soon are in a friendly conversation.

"You two look quite young, how old were you when you had Mara." Mary asks.

"Oh, Mara isn't biologically our child. We adopted her at a young age." Dad says, pulling me to his side.

My parents are quite young, which is why they get asked that question a lot. My mum is thirty-seven while my dad is thirty-nine. Meaning that they were twenty and twenty-two when they adopted me.

"Well, that makes sense. I don't see much similarity between you." David smiles.

"Do you have children?" Mum asks.

"Yes, just one. A girl, she seventeen too Mara. She's with friends right now, but when she comes back I'll get her to come introduce herself." Mary smiles.

I guess it couldn't hurt to know someone before school.

I politely exit the conversation and grab one of my boxes, the house is nice inside with the rooms being a comfortable small size. I go up stairs and open a door into a room that looks like a nice sized bedroom, with it's own bathroom and a walk in closet. I smirk and put down my box, marking the room as mine.

Snow starts jumping around excitedly and begs to go on a run.

I grin and agree, going back outside, mum and dad are still talking to Mary and David.

"Mum, I'm just going for a walk." I tell her.

"Alright, be back in half an hour." She replies.

I nod and am about to walk off when I hear David.

"Just be careful and don't go too far in, there are lots of animals." He warns.

I nod and Dad replies, "Yes, be smart Mara." He says, I see the smile in his lips but, he knows I'll be fine.

I laugh quietly and make my way into the forest, once I feel I'm a safe distance I shift into my tiger and run.

Snow laughs as we run and I end up joining her.

Once she's happy, I shift back and sit down. I was surprised when I first shifted that my clothes were still on when I shifted back into my human form, so I don't have to worry about spare clothes when I shift. It's helpful.

I sigh and look at the time on my phone. Yes, somehow that stays in my pocket too.

I notice I only have five minutes so I start walking back. With my tiger instincts, it's easy to find my way back to the house because I remember the scent of it.

Suddenly I hear a growl, but don't think too much of it. It's probably just an animal, which I can easily kill or it will avoid me.

But I'm surprised when a girl appears out of no where.

She has light brown hair that goes to her collar bone and she has pale skin, it still looks gorgeous though. She's wearing a black tank top with some denim shorts.

"What are you doing out here?" She asks, a little confused.

Even though I can only see her, I feel another presence.

"I could ask you the same." I reply, lifting an eyebrow.

"I asked you first." She matches my stare.

You Have No Idea, My Dear AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now