"Gotta be focused, [Name]," Aqua reminds you with a kind smile and a sly wink sent your way.

You can't help but laugh quietly and nod in agreement, nervously fiddling with the handle of your sword as you turn your focus ahead. Before you can reply, a rumbling sound echoes throughout the otherwise silent hallway. Looking over your shoulder, your eyes widen as a pinkish-purple burst of flames rounds the corner at an impossibly fast pace. Without thinking you jump out of the way, through an open door and landing in an empty bedroom. Clenching your eyes shut you hide your body behind the door, holding tight as the flames rush past. Oddly, the air doesn't heat up with the flames; in fact, the air cools considerably, chilling you to the bone.

After a few painfully long seconds, the burst of air suddenly comes to a stop. Slowly, you open your eyes and partially open the door, peering outside. Sprawled out on the ground a few feet away are Terra, Ven, and Aqua. They're unconscious but clearly breathing, their bodies free of burns or injuries. If you didn't know better, you'd guess that they're sleeping.

"The subjects are secured."

Your heart practically skips a beat as you glance down the hallway. Walking towards your friends is Vexen and Professor Hojo, smugly self-satisfied expressions on their long faces.

Since when have they worked together...?

"And what of the girl?" Vexen asks, looking around the otherwise empty hallway. "She couldn't have outrun these flames. It seeks out human bodies."

Hojo frowns, slowly scanning the area. Your heart races as his gaze turns towards your door, and you swiftly duck your head inside the room.

Had he seen you?

Footsteps echo through the hall, each step causing your heart to race more. After much too long, the door is ripped open, revealing a certain smiling scientist. You take a step back, eyes wide and frozen in fear.

"Found you," Hojo chuckles with a wide grin.

Reaching out, he grabs your forearm with a gloved hand, pulling you roughly towards him.

"Let go!" you snap, clawing at his hand with your free fingers as he drags you out of the room and into the hallway. Your eyes land on your unconscious friends lying before you, and for a moment all fight leaves you. "... Are they okay?"

"Comatose," Vexen explains, and your eyes dart up to his, narrowed with distrust. "It's a special formula I created. They can only wake up with my assistance."

"I don't care," you retort, wrenching your arm free and subconsciously rubbing the sore appendage as if it's infected.

"Such a horrible attitude for such a special girl," Vexen mocks with a barking laugh, summoning his large, deep-blue shield. "Leave us, Professor. Take the trio; I can handle the brat."

You glare at the Nobody before a rustling sound is heard behind you. Glancing back, your eyes widen when you spot Ven, Terra, and Aqua's bodies fall into nothingness, swirling black and purple portals consuming them before you can even react.

Cheating DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora