Scary movies, screaming, and....hugging?

Start from the beginning

I smiled and kept on testing him about Sakura. "Oooh only focused on Sakura, now are we?". Sasuke "Hn"ed once more. But the expression on his face was showing that he was very irritated.

Wow the ice cube is actually showing emotions in his face for once. And he— no way he's blushing!

"Wow the almighty Sasuke Uchiha, son of Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha, brother of Itachi Uchiha, a relative of the legandary Madara Uchiha, is actually blushing. The world must be ending!" I said dramatically. He glared at me again. Unfortunately the light turned red so he turned his head to face me and gave me a death glare.

If looks could kill I'd be I heaven right now...

"Shut up, Dobe." He said coldly. Honestly, I was kinda scared— no scratch that I was terrified for my life. A lesson to be learned is: never ever ever ever EVER piss off and Uchiha (unless you want to die early then go on ahead). I gave him a nervous smile and kept my mouth shut. From the corner of my eye I saw Shikamaru looking at the window (but I can tell that he was listening because he had a tiny smirk on his face) and Neji also had a smirk on his face. I gave him a save-me-from-his-wrath-please look. But he returned it with a you-deserve-it-because-you-couldn't-keep-your-mouth-shut look and a smirk.

So much for "helpful" friends....

The rest of the ride was silent. No one said anything. It's was deathly silent. We finally reached Ino's house. We took out our bags and walked to her house. I ran to the door then rang the doorbell three times. After a few seconds I heard a muffled voice,"Ino is that your parents?" From the sound of it, it sounded like it was Sakura. "I don't think so. They said they were going to be on a business trip for the weekend." Ino said. "Well open the door. Who knows maybe we won a lottery and we got a million dollars or something!" Said a person who I don't quite remember but sounds familiar. "Don't be foolish Tenten" Sakura's muffled voice said.

Oh! So it was Tenten! The Neji's-soon-to-be-girlfriend Tenten!

"Guys I think the person outside has been waiting for quite a while now" said a familiar gentle voice. "OMG what if its the cops?!" Tenten yelled. "God, pig just open the door" Sakura said with an irritated voice. The door opened and there stood the four popular girls of the whole school dressed in their pyjamas. "Hey!" I greeted cheerfully. The other three boys were behind me and just muttered out a 'hello'."Huh? What are you guys doing here?" Tenten asked, disappointed that it wasn't the lottery and relived that it wasn't the cops. "We were invited by Ino" Shikamaru said. The three girls turned to face Ino. They gave her a explain-this-please look. Ino gave them a nervous smile,"Hehehehehe I invited them cuz why not?". It was silent. "You guys look....different." Sakura said. We smiled and explained why we did the nerd act again (well Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Neji did. Hinata didn't know yet so I explained it) Anyway, now that that's all over, you guys came! And right on time too! Come in, come in!" Ino said. We entered the house and we placed our bags in the living room. We were already in our pyjamas so we sat down on the living room floor. "Hey Naruto why did you ring the doorbell so much times?" Sakura asked. "I was really excited to see Hin—Uhm I mean, I was excited for the sleepover!" I said. I felt my face getting hot. The boys gave me a smirk. Sakura gave me a look, and Ino....well she had a mischievous glint in her eyes that kinda freaked me out. Hinata just looked confused.

Thank god she doesn't know anything

"So what are we going to do?" I asked. "I don't know" Ino said. It was silent for a moment or two.  Then Tenten (who was lying down on the sofa) sat up. Her eyes were weird and sparkly. Everyone faced Tenten and looked at her, silently asking her 'what is it?'. "What if we watch a movie?" Tenten suggested. Almost everyone smiled and agreed to it. "So which movie?" Sakura asked. "I say we go for horror!" Tenten said hapilly. Neji nodded, agreeing with Tenten. "I say action" Sakura and Sasuke said simultaneously. They looked at each other then smiled (well...Sasuke smirked). "So horror or action?" Ino asked. "Ooh! Let's vote!" I suggested. "Good idea! Okay so if you vote for horror put your hands up" Ino said. Neji's, Tenten's, Shikamaru's, Ino's,and my hand went up. I mean action is cool and all but when it comes to sleepovers you gotta watch a scary movie! "Looks like we're gonna watch horror. I'll be right back" said Ino. "Dammit" Sakura muttered.

After a few minutes Ino came back with a box in her hands,"This box contains a lot of scary movies. So you guys gotta pick". "Ooh! Let's watch this one!" Tenten yelled. "Okay." Ino said.

"Okay guys go get some pillows, blankets, popcorn, and chocolate" Ino ordered. Sasuke and Sakura muttered some colourful words and went to go get the chocolate (they were probably still mad that they didn't watch action), Ino glared at them. Neji, Tenten, Shikamaru, and Ino went to get blankets and pillows.

"Hey Hinata you want to go get the popcorn?" I asked. "Sure" she said. We entered the kitchen and went to the big pantry. Along the journey to find the popcorn, I spotted ramen and I felt my eyes grow wide. I smiled a big smile then looked at Hinata with the ramen in my hands. I must've looked like an idiot because Hinata gasped then was laughing really hard. She was gasping for air and I couldn't help but laugh too. After our little laughing session, we put the popcorn and waited for it. We talked a bit then when the microwave beeped I took the popcorn. It's was really hot and I guess I wasn't paying attention and held it. The heat burned my hand and then I threw the popcorn in the air. Hinata caught it then passed it back to me due to the fact that it was hot. We passed it back and fort like it we were playing hot potato.

After that we took the popcorn, put it in a bowl and went back to the living room. We were laughing the whole entire time. When we entered the room we saw the others on the sofas all cozy under the blankets. "Ooh popcorn!" Tenten yelled. She put out her hands and made a hand motion that seemed to say "give it to me, now". So Hinata gave it and sat down. I sat down beside her and grabbed a piece of chocolate. Ino stood up, turned the lights off, and went back to her seat.

The movie and just began and already someone was screaming (CoughInocough). Halfway through the movie the popcorn was all gone.

Aww...Tenten must've ate it all...

I was too lazy to grab more so I just got more comfortable in my seat. There was a really scary part going on. Ino screamed. Neji and Shikamaru had a horrified expression on their faces ( actually I couldn't rally tell because it was so dark), Sasuke looked tense, Sakura and Tenten buried their faces in Sasuke's/Neji's chest and refused to look at the t.v screen. Hinata let out a little squeak and moved closer to me. I blushed.

I decided to put my arm over her shoulders. "You'll be fine Hinata-chan, don't worry I'll protect you" I whispered to her ear. She looked at me and I smiled at her. She gave me a tiny smile and then moved closer to me. This made me really happy. The whole entire movie we stayed in that position, never letting go of each other.

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