The plan

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—Sasuke's POV—

"Sasuke! Please Sasuke save me!" She yelled, a blood curling scream followed it. " have" He said. "You are....our......last hope...". And he died too. "Sasuke, please forget about me, just go and take Sakura. Let him kill me!" She yelled as he pointed the gun at her head. "What are you going to do, Sasuke? Will you let your mother die, or Sakura?" He asked, his pearly white teeth showing as he smiled.

I couldn't think. I racked my brain for any plans but my mind went blank.

No....please...not here.........

"Sasuke!" Sakura yelled, a look of terror flashed before her eyes.


"Take her and run Sasuke!" Mother yelled. The guy tightened his grip on her. "Time is running out Sasuke, you better make a choice. Or else they'll both wind up dead". I stared at everyone. They were all on the floor, in pain. Naruto's last words were echoing in my brain.

" have"
"You are....our......last hope...".

"Choose one or the other" he asked. I looked at Sakura who was trapped in a glass case with water filling up. In a few minutes she would drown. She looked at me for a split second, a tear fell from her eyes, two emotions on her pale face: regret and sorrow. I looked away and stared at my mother. She was struggling for the lack of air. She keeps saying to save Sakura, but her eyes were wide open wth fear. I felt my breath getting heavier, my heart pounding louder, so loud I could hear it in my ears. I felt my blood rushing around and my brain was throbbing. I stepped forward, trying to make a choice. But I was too late.

"Times up!" He said and raised his gun. "I'm sure your mother and Sakura would love it up in heaven. It's sad that they have to go. They are great women. Fighters actually. But their time has come" he smiled once again and pulled the trigger. The sound of gunfire echoed in the room. The kidnapper laughed and walked away.

No.......I'm begging you....please...

I woke up, realizing it was just a dream. I breathed heavily, my heart beating two times faster, my back drenched in my sweat. I let out a loud sigh and fell back on my bed. A dream that realistic could mean it was going to happen (or something else). But if it were to happen, what would be the right choice? Is there a future where both Sakura and my mother lives? Where no one has to die?

It's unfair, really. Life I mean. When something great happens life takes a turn and sends you down bumpy roads, and sometimes, whenever something good happens, I always wait for the worst that will follow it. But not this time. The time was different. It was all perfect, like a dream that was too innocent, then turned into a nightmare, where everything would be killed and nothing would be left. It'd be a miracle for everyone to come out alive.

I sighed again and sat up. I stared at the wall before concluding that there is just no way I can go back to sleep. I crept out of my room and snuck outside. The wind was gentle and warm, brushing my skin like a feather. The sky was filled with bright twinkling stars and the moon was a beautiful crescent. "Sasuke." Someone said. I turned around slowly to see Shisui's face alight from the glow of the moon. "There you are" he continued and smiled a small smile. His face then changed from friendly and kind, to serious and cold. "Uncle's looking for you. Itachi's already there. He wants all of us to come and discuss the plan together" he said with a monotone voice. I nodded and got up. We walked down the dark, long, hallways in complete silence. The only sound was our feet making soft thumps; but even that sounded silent. We passed by one of the (many) living rooms. A grandfather clock stood at the back of the room, making quiet ticking noises. We passed by it and continued our little journey to the meeting room.

This meeting room was a special kind. It had sound-proof walls, no windows, and had high technology in it. This is where my Father usually plans all his plans; in a secret, private, no-hearing or seeing room. We entered the meeting room in silence. Nii-san and father were talking about something quietly. Too quiet for my ears to pick up on. The room was a little dim, four computers were out on the long desk. Shisui and I took a seat.The two finally noticed the both of us. Father cleared his throat and the three of us listened carefully. "As you know, we are here to discuss about the plan that I have created." He said with his deep, gruff, voice. "It seems that the leader of the sound company was the one that sent that little spy to kidnap Mikoto. And what's more is that it was Orochimaru." He continued.

There were rumours that Orochimaru-sensei was a part of a company but I never believed it. Up until now that is.

"They decided to use an old strange room for the exchange. Now, listen carefully. We will let Sakura go and drive by herself to the storage". I narrowed my eyes. Father glanced at me with no emotion but quickly looked away. "And—" "No." I interjected. "Sasuke—" Itachi began to say. "Isn't there another plan? A plan where Sakura doesn't have to go at all?" I asked. "No, Sasuke. There isn't. Now listen to uncle, he makes brilliant plans" Shisui said and placed hand on my shoulder. I sighed and kept quiet. "As I was saying," Father said and stared at me once more. "Sakura will drive by herself. But you, Sasuke, along with Kisame, and Sakura's cousin, Sasori" he continued and looked at Itachi. Nii-san looked away, avoiding my fathers intense stare. "Will follow her. I will provide you with guns and weapons. Itachi and Shisui, you two will stay here and gather information and re-tell the information to us. Now, after Sakura has given the money, they will either be fare and give back Mikoto, or try to kill her as well. If that ever happens I want you to get out of the car and protect them. I want Sakura to stall them for as long as the police force can come and arrest them. We have our money, Sakura is safe, Mikoto is safe, they are in jail. Now, any objections?". It was quiet for a second or two before father spoke again. "The police force will come after some time. We don't want them to get suspicious." He continued. Shisui and Itachi-nii nodded. Father stared at me once more. "Any objections, Sasuke?" He asked. I sighed and stood up. "No". I felt 6 pairs of eyes staring intently at me. I turned away and headed for the door. I could still feel their intense stares. I left the room; The door quietly closing behind me.

I passed by the grandfather clock once more. The ticking suddenly stopped. Then a loud bell-like sound filled the room. It rung 12 times before going back to its quiet ticking noises. I left the room too and went back to the garden; Taking in the good view of the moon and the bright twinkling stars.

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