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Hey okay same as all my stories, you're looking at bad language, sexual content because it just makes things so much more fun. 18+ guys, read at your own discretion. 

Also read 'rumour has it' first so you understand what's happening here.
Enjoy x

Sweat dripped from his forehead, making its way down the side of his face. The single bead trickling slowly down was in contrast with the song playing, a fast rhythmic beat that washed all other noise away. Just how I liked it.
He wasn't aware of that bead of sweat. His focus was on my tits which were right in front of his face, pushed up in a bra that was made to draw attention. He was watching his hands on my hips as they swayed and bounced with the rhythm of the music. He was one of the very few that were allowed to touch the girls. His attention was focused solely on me and I love it.
I knew how to work this, I knew what his attention meant. Swinging my hair over one shoulder I leaned forward and grabbed his chin bringing our lips a breath away. I could feel him panting softly. I smiled slow and cocky before swinging my leg off the seat and turning away from him in my platform heels. Prowling my way back into the middle of the room I ground my hips to the music running my hands up and down my body, feeling the buzz running along my skin.
"Get back here baby" he called over the music, entitlement clear in his voice. I smiled mockingly over my shoulder before undoing my bra and throwing it off to the side, back still facing him.
"Shit" he mumbled eyes glued to my ass and back and all the art that decorated both. I laughed at him. Such a man, so easily taken captive. Money or not, men always gave into their basic instincts.
Grabbing the pole I closed my eyes and spun, whirling, bumping and grinding I lost myself in the music and another night of entertainment. Dropping to my knees, back arched I slowly rose my eyes up to meet his. He adjusted his suit pants right in front of me, so gone he didn't care. Looking at him when he had first arrived I had put him in his early thirties and Hispanic. A good looking man, extremely so.

Him and his boys were bringing in big bucks for the club tonight, Joe had been looking forward to it all week.
"He'll want the best, darling, and you're it. Can you handle that?" He'd asked that evening when I had started my shift.
"Been doing this a while now, Joey,  think I've got it. What is he?" I had smiled easily at him. He didn't look any less concerned.
"Way he is baby, he'll want it all, thinks he's entitled to it. Deep of the deep, Sweetheart,  that's what he is.  Can you handle it all?" He asked quietly. "I can throw Sasha his way if you aren't up for it" he offered and I got what he was saying. We both knew that while Sasha was an 'all in any night every night' in the club, she would not cut it for this man, he came from money which means he'd expect his money to buy the best. I was the best. I had taken a deep breath before smiling at Joe.
"I got this. What's his name?" I had assured him.
"Benito Lorenzo Cortez" he mumbled back.
"Haven't heard of him" I replied and he looked at me. 
"No one does. Ghost, Babe. Every name you've ever heard that's bad news, they work for Lorenzo and if they don't,  they want to. He's dangerous straight through" he commented. My  eyebrows rose, I'd met a lot of scary bad people.
"Remember it but keep that name to yourself too. The wrong people hear you saying his name and it won't be good for you" Joe warned before heading off.

Now here I was, a private room that was the best of the best, with a man in a suit that cost more than rent for a year cost me and Millie. He was the mind behind a lot of the criminality that polluted our state and the ones around it.
"Damn baby" he whispered, eyes trailed solely on me.
"A grand" I said bravely, the first words out of my mouth all night and I said them in a husky, sexed up voice that had his eyes dilating and him swallowing audibly. He nodded after a second, "on top of what was agreed" I went in boldly and his eyes flash with amusement.
"Baby trust me, money is not an issue. You do good tonight I'll pay you right" he rumbled out in a sexy as fuck voice. Damn he was really good looking.
Smiling cockily I arched my back further to give him a better view of my chest.
Fantastic, tips from this one man was going to go a long way with me and Millie, the night was still young too.
Licking my lips slowly I crawled across the floor on my knees towards him, watching him shift in his seat. He knew tonight was his lucky night, a night with Leia, 'princess' being the nickname I heard on many accounts working in these sorts of establishments and it was usually followed by a smug wink, all those geeky fantasies men have had since ever seeing Star Wars.
This man had heard of me, in our industry I was known and from the way he was looking at me, I was a price he was happy to add to his trophy collection. Men, so easily taken a stray. Little did they know that it was me who was winning the game here. I knew it when I saw him walk in, whatever was agreed with Joe meant nothing, tonight was a night for making big tip money.

It was well past six when I made it home. Walking up the stainless steel outside staircase I got to our on bedroom apartment floor. Walking quickly and quietly down the dimly lit hall I opened the door and let myself in, locking it firmly behind me. Unwinding my scarf I threw it and my leather jacket down onto the couch and proceeded to take my heels off. Left in a skimpy dress I took the cash I had make that night and walked into the kitchen. Storing half of it away and leaving some in an envelope on the counter, 'go wild, I did for it ;)' I wrote on the envelope before walking down the hall to check that all was well.
Millie was fast asleep, covers wrapped tight around her as she hugged her pillow close. Walking over to the tiny bed in the corner I checked on the little man. He was away in dreamland, like he always was when I got home, he hair ruffled and sticking in all angles from rolling in his sleep. Something I knew he got from his mam and had nothing to do with restlessness, thank the lord.
Looking at him I once again, like many times before, felt my sins wash away from me. Knowing I was making money to help put food in that kids belly and get him and his mom and me to a good place make everything I did worth it. I know at times people couldn't understand why I was stripping to help my friend and her kid, some even asked why she wasn't the one stripping but truth be told Millie would never be capable of doing the things I did. What people didn't understand though was that me and Millie, we had been a family since the day she saved me and she was the reason my life was where it was. So now it was my time to save her, didn't matter how many years it took, me and Millie were going to give Fiachra everything, even if I had to suck dick to do it.
Anyways the way we worked suited us, I minded Fiach during the day while Millie waitressed, and she had him at night when I danced.
Grabbing a towel I went into the bathroom and stripped down, throwing my underwear into the laundry. Hopping into the shower I washed away the nights events from my skin as I brushed my teeth before throwing on my jammies and jumping into bed beside Millie. She rolled toward me and snuggled close to my back.
"Work go okay?" She whispered sleepily like she did every night I got home from work.
"Yeah Mill, easy peasy " I whispered back closing my eyes and letting sleep take me away for a few hours before I had to get up and do the same thing again.
That's what my life had been for the last few years since Fiachra was born. It was all I knew anymore but it was all I needed to know.

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