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Despite the dire circumstances, despite the danger to his brother, and despite their massive plot that was highly unlikely to succeed, Sans would be hard pressed to say he didn't have any fun at all when he destroyed the Pure base.

The second that Gerson and Undyne stepped far enough back to not be considered in the base, he opened his right eye and let loose the Magic that had been fighting to take him over.

He tore into the buildings with wild abandon, destroying everything in his path, then turning around to destroy it again. He ripped apart walls with his bare hands. He sent attacks shattering through the ceilings. A building or two may have collapsed on top of him, but he was too far lost in his wild frenzy to notice.

Eventually, he calmed down, and quickly slapped his hands over his right eye, trying to stifle the power surging through it. After a moment, he lowered his hands, eye closed.

Then, with his left eye, he surveyed his work.

There was nothing left. It was all just rubble, shattered wreckage spread across the entire cavern.

Gaster had explained once to Sans about hurricanes and tornadoes. He had said that the atmospheric region in the top of the Underground that created snow in Snowdin and rain in Waterfall wasn't quite strong enough to create gale-force winds, but he had made it quite clear to Sans that this was a good thing.

Looking at the wreckage, Sans thought it must have looked like what would happen if two or three tornadoes had gone through there.

He turned around. Undyne and Gerson were still standing in the same spot. Even from this distance, Sans could see their mouths were open.

He gestured for them to come on.

A bit hesitantly, they followed after him as he started walking towards Snowdin.


Gaster felt so helpless.

There was nothing he could do.

And now Papyrus was being Corrupted, and he was stuck in this cell.

Almost immediately after Sans had left, Chara had come into the cell, wrenched Papyrus out of Gaster's grip, and dragged the small skeleton over to the operating table.

When they had filled a syringe with Corruption, Gaster had shouted that they had promised not to hurt anyone.

Their response had been that it was all a matter of opinion, that they considered being Corrupt helpful, not harmful. Then they had plunged the syringe into Papyrus's Soul.

And then they turned to look at Gaster and laughed. "In any case, haven't you ever heard of lying? It's quite useful. You should try it sometime; there are so many things you can do with it."

Now Gaster was stuck, sitting in the cell, as Papyrus moaned and whimpered and struggled weakly against the restraints on the table.

To make matters worse, Gaster was also in pain; his ribs were cracked from Chara's blow, and he had received more wounds than he originally thought when initially rescuing Papyrus. Not that that mattered, he could put up with a million more times this if it meant relieving Papyrus of his pain.

Gaster looked at Chara, who was standing nearby. "Why are you doing this?" He made no attempt to hide the pain and desperation in his voice.

They looked curiously at him. "Because I'm the evil overlord."

Gaster blinked. "But... why? When I knew you, you were... well. I won't say you were nice, because you were a very rough child. But you were by no means evil. What-... what happened?"

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