38 ~ Oatmeal

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Gaster fought with everything he had.

Weapons broke in his grip, worn down by the excess of Magic he poured into them, and every step he took was amid a flurry of attacks from the Corrupt guards.

Eventually, it almost became a pattern, a continually repeated move of a catastrophic dance.

Fire, dodge, summon a Blaster, block an attack,fire the Blaster. Fire the weapon, dodge, summon a Blaster, block an attack, fire the blaster.

Weapon breaks. Drop the broken pieces. Pull out a new one.

Fire, dodge, summon a Blaster, block an attack, fire the Blaster. Fire the weapon, dodge, summon a Blaster, block an attack, fire the blaster.

He was here to save his sons.

Weapon breaks. Drop the broken pieces. Pull out a new one.

Fire, dodge, summon a Blaster, block an attack, fire the Blaster. Fire the weapon, dodge, summon a Blaster, block an attack, fire the Blaster.

And he wasn't going to fail.

Weapon breaks. Drop the broken pieces. Pull out a new one.

Fire, dodge, summon a Blaster, block an attack, fire the Blaster. Fire the weapon, dodge, summon a Blaster, block an attack, fire the Blaster.

When his final handheld weapon broke, he realized he had killed four of the six guards in the room, and the other two wouldn't be getting up any time soon. The child-like Corrupt lord had also disappeared.

So he walked over to the cage where Papyrus was sitting, watching him. He looked a little shaken, but overall happy to see Gaster.

"You're alright?" Gaster asked as he knelt down by the cage and reached for the lock.

Papyrus nodded. "I'm alright, but Dad, Sans..."

"Yeah. I know. I heard him." Finding it would not be an easy one to pick, Gaster summoned an attack and bashed the lock off the cage door. He pulled Papyrus out and hugged him.

Then he stood. Time to go find Sans.


Sans was eating.

Not a Soul, unfortunately. Just oatmeal.

He was in the large open room that served as the Corrupt base's main mess hall. Very few voices echoed in the hall in comparison to the Pure base's mess hall; the mess hall was for eating, not talking.

Sans wasn't entirely sure why he had chosen oatmeal instead of hot dogs or something.

Maybe it was because oatmeal was one of Papyrus's favorites.

Without a multitude of Pure Souls surrounding him, Sans felt very little inclination to go on a Soul-hungry rampage. That was probably for the best; if he 'turned traitor' again, he knew the Corrupt lord would hurt Papyrus.

He stabbed his spoon into the thick, mushy mess in his bowl, vaguely wondering if he shouldn't see about getting the kind with the dinosaur eggs instead. Or would that be too immature, too childish, too innocent for the Corrupt army's greatest weapon?

Yeah. Probably.

Sans wondered when Papyrus had last eaten. Wondered if the Corrupt lord was even planning on giving Papyrus food at some point.

He poked around a bit with the spoon.

Wondered if he should try to bring Papyrus some oatmeal.

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