2 ~ Weapons Testing and Repair

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Sans woke up far too early. That is to say, it was around five in the morning ish by his guess, which was a fairly accurate guess.

Don' hafta get up yet, he silently reminded himself, 'm home now. Don' need t' command th' army righ' now.

So, without further ado, he settled down, snuggling against his brother, and fell back asleep.


The next time he woke up, it was to a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him out of sleep.

"mmnnnngggguhhh...?" He groaned, light from the crystals in the Underground's ceiling streaming in the window almost like sunlight, making him blink. "wha' time...?"

"Almost nine thirty. Dad said I should wake you up now."

Sans rolled halfway over to look up at his little brother with a sigh. "...thanks, bro." He said gloomily.

Papyrus looked concerned. "Sans, why are you so sad?"

"i..." Sans hesitated a moment, then couldn't hold back the building snickers. "i'm in morning!"

Papyrus gave a roar of frustration, grabbed Sans' hand, and started to drag him out of bed. "GO. NO PUNS ARE ALLOWED IN MY ROOM!!"

Still chuckling, Sans flopped out of Papyrus's bed and onto the floor. After a moment, he pulled himself to his feet and walked out the door.

There was nothing like a good pun to start his first morning back home.

Of course, the eggs Gaster was just finishing scrambling as Sans walked into the kitchen definitely came close, but puns were still on top.

As Sans pulled up a seat at the kitchen table, Gaster slid a plateful of scrambled eggs in front of him.

"Good morning. Sleep well?"

Sans grinned and nodded before stabbing his fork into the yellow mass on his plate. "yeah. thanks."

"So I thought today, if you wanted, I could take a look at your Magic." Gaster sat opposite Sans at the table.

Sans just nodded, as his mouth was more or less stuffed with food.

Papyrus walked into the room, having more or less forgiven/forgotten about Sans' pun. "Oooh! Can I come see?" Papyrus had an endless fascination with Sans' Magic, especially after it was decided that he was going to be building up his Magic the normal way.

Sans finished his mouth full of food. "i mean, i guess so, bro. if you'd like to."

"I would like to!" Papyrus grinned happily at Sans.

"then it's settled." Sans said after shoveling the rest of his food into his mouth. "let's get going, I guess."


The True Lab was only an eight minute, twenty six second walk away. (Sans knew that because once after he claimed it was "like, five minutes away," Papyrus had borrowed his wristwatch to count each individual second it took them to walk there.)

After being pestered into changing into a clean pair of clothes by both his brother and father (they claimed you shouldn't wear the same clothes more than twenty four hours, but he had, multiple times, on the warfront, and didn't understand what the issue was.) Sans and his family left for the True Lab.

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