28 ~ Three's a Crowd

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As people now knew of Sans' existance, and Sans had promised not to kill anyone since then Gaster would have to lock him back in the lab and not let Papyrus into the lab, Sans was allowed to walk to school with Papyrus.

Unfortunately, not only being not dead, but also wearing the Corrupt insignia on his jacket attracted quite a bit of attention to Sans. And he couldn't even  clear the way with a couple well-placed attacks, due to his "no-killing" promise.

He was kind of regretting making that promise, now.

The pair made it to the small schoolhouse trailed by at least twenty monsters, all of whom were curiously watching Sans.

For lack of something better to do, he settled for giving them nasty glares whenever he caught sight of any of them. That seemed to, at the very least, unsettle them enough to keep them at bay.

To be quite honest, though, Sans didn't understand why they were following him. Did they not have anything better to do?

... Evidently not.

As the pair walked to the schoolhouse door, Toriel looked up from unlocking the door. She smiled when she saw Papyrus, and then gave him a slightly confused, concerned look when she saw Sans. Frisk, on the other hand, ran forward and hugged Papyrus, then Sans.

The three of them turned back to Toriel. "Papyrus, Sans, good morning. Sans, I had heard that you helped in the recapture of Waterfall, but I would have thought Dr. Gaster would have dragged you back to his lab...?"

Sans shrugged, frowning. "eh. he made me promise not to kill anyone. which is kinda unfortunate, because i have no idea how i'm gonna make it home without being swamped by those idiots."

Despite the fact that he was being completely serious, Toriel let out a little laugh. "Well, if you would like, I can call your father here to come get you."

Sans looked at her, the ridge of one brow rising. "really?" Then he shrugged. "...sure, why not."

Together, the group retreated from the crowd into the schoolhouse. Frisk and Papyrus sat in their spots, and, for lack of a better place to sit, Sans sat next to them, waiting for Gaster to arrive.

Gradually, the other students began to arrive. Almost all of them were talking about the small crowd of monsters still loitering outside, and each quickly changed to the topic of what Sans was doing here, as well as why he was still wearing the jacket with the Corrupt insignia, when he had so obviously been fighting for the Pure.

Sans blatantly ignored all questions, and Papyrus and Frisk weren't sure if they were allowed to answer those questions yet, so the students were left in the dark.

Eventually, the room fell into a complete hush as the Royal Scientist entered the room. He was definitely the most intimidating Pure monster in the Underground, and that was only multiplied by the fact that he quite literally towered over the monster children in the schoolhouse. There were also a plethora of rumors amongst the schoolchildren that the tall scientist was completely mad, and that there were a variety of dead things in the lowest floor of the lab, which was why no one was allowed there.

Gaster, for his part, didn't mind the notoriety. For one thing, it meant that none of the students did anything more than stare in slight fear as he made his way through the classroom to where Sans was sitting.

Sans was leaning back in his seat, hands folded behind his hooded skull. His eyes were closed.

Gaster cleared his throat when he reached his son, and began gesturing when Sans opened his eyes. "Sans. The queen called and said you needed help with the crowds?"

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