15 ~ Broken Bones

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"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Sans flinched as Gaster roared wildly in Hands, gesturing furiously in his direction.

"i- i don't know-" Sans recoiled, scooting back on the cot, pressing his back against the wall.

"Don't know? You were two seconds from going into a dust-hungry frenzy! And it sure seemed like you had a lot to say- in the Corrupt tongue!"

"i'm s-sorry--" He was apologizing more in an attempt to placate Gaster's rage than because of any guilt. Whatever hellish power had given him enough Magic to make his right eye glow had left him, and he doubted he would live if Gaster decided to kill him.

"Sorry?! Sorry?! You were going to kill us!"

"sorry-" he repeated, wrapping his arms around Papyrus and hugging his brother close. It occurred to him that this might be the last time he saw his brother.

"If Papyrus hadn't been able to calm you down, you could have hurt him. You put him in danger, Sans."

That hurt, and Gaster knew it. Sans wished he could die. Or melt into the wall.

Papyrus... I could've hurt Papyrus...

"On top of that-"

"N  O  ." Sans was far too deep in guilt to register what had just happened, but Gaster stared at Papyrus, shocked. The small skeleton had detached himself from Sans, and had leaped between Sans and Gaster. Papyrus almost looked... mad.

Once it was clear that he had Gaster's undivided attention, though, his expression softened. "...Please, Dad. Please stop. Look at Sans. He's already really sorry. Please. It was an accident, and he didn't do it on purpose. He said he was already struggling to keep from attacking Frisk. He did his best. He's sorry. Please. Stop."

That said, he dropped down beside Sans, who immediately hugged him and started choking out an apology. Papyrus hugged him back, and quietly told him it was alright, and it wasn't his fault.

Gaster reached up and massaged his temples. He needed something, coffee, perhaps, or some medication for his rapidly developing headache. He looked at his sons. They had lapsed into silence, arms around each other, skulls resting on each other's shoulders, eyesockets closed.

For a moment, he just watched them. Except for Sans' slight hiccuping, they were both almost silent, almost motionless.

Gaster fingered the syringe in his hands. "... Papyrus." He said quietly. "It's about dinner time. Let's go."

Papyrus didn't move. Softly, he said, "... No. You can go, it's okay. I'm going to stay here."

Gaster frowned. He didn't want Papyrus alone with Sans. Sans had just proven himself to be highly volatile and not completely in control of himself, and as much as Gaster realized that Sans truly did love Papyrus, he didn't want Papyrus accidentally hurt.


"... Dad." Papyrus lifted his skull off Sans' shoulder to look at Gaster. "Please. I need to stay here. Sans needs me."

Before Gaster could speak, Sans shifted, pulling away a bit from Papyrus. "n-no, pap. it's fine. i'll-- ... i'll be fine. you... you should... p-probably go-..."

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