22 ~ A Broken Soul

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He had screwed it up, he was sure.

Gaster had seen him fighting, and only using bones.

He knew he wasn't acting 100% Sans-ish, but that could be passed off as uncertainty due to amnesia. But Magic was an instinctive thing. So even if he had "forgotten" what he, as Sans, could do, he should have been able to do it when he needed to anyway, same as walking or talking.

But he hadn't. And Gaster had seen that.

And to top it off, as soon as he was recovered from that fight, Gaster wanted to give him a thorough going-over in the lab.

If that happened, there was no way he could maintain his cover.

Of course, that had been anticipated, but the original Sans had interfered with things. And now he was stuck in bed, so he couldn't even make contact with the Corrupt army to get new orders.

... There was one small stroke of luck, he supposed. He had convinced Gaster that he had remembered that the Corrupt Sans was the one who beat him up in Waterfall. Of course this was a lie; he hadn't even existed when the original Sans was taken captive, but Gaster didn't know that. Gaster thought the Corrupt Sans was the spy, made to look like he was a captive.

He fully intended to utilize that.


Sans was running.

He had been running since escaping the dogs, and didn't want to stop any time soon. He had a brother to save, and the sooner he did that, the better.

But, as he neared Snowdin, he was forced to slow down. He knew there were a pair of guards at the Snowdin border, and he wanted to figure out a way to get by them without fighting. He was already tired from escaping and fighting and running and then fighting again then running again. He didn't think he could take on two highly-trained Corrupt guards right now, that would just about be suicide.

With any luck, the copy hadn't yet had time to report back to the Corrupt base about Sans, so it was possible the guards wouldn't immediately attack him on sight. Regardless, he couldn't sneak by them, as they guarded the one entryway from Snowdin to Waterfall, minus the ferry. But the Riverperson would never take Sans to Snowdin, one because they didn't help the Corrupt and Sans doubted they would believe him when he said he was trying to help Papyrus, and two, that entryway was also guarded, and they would never make it.

So, it was through the caves, then. Sans would either make it, or he would be killed.

He started walking.


By the time Sans made it to the tunnel, he had come up with something vaguely resembling a plan. As he walked up to the two armored guards, he was doing so with a highly exaggerated and pronounced limp in his right leg, and was wearing a pained expression. If they hadn't heard about him yet, all the better for him. If they had, then at the very least, they would think him weaker than he was.

As he neared, the guard on the left lifted his hand. "H̴a͝l̀t̨!"

Sans slowed, but didn't outright stop. "i̴d͘i̴ót!͞ can'͢t ỳou͏ sèe̴ i'm̕ wo͜undeḑ? ̵i j̛ust ̧sp͢e̡nt a y͝e̢ar̷ ͝in̸ ̷es̶pionage wi̷ţh ͞t̷h̴e̡ p̨ur͞e͞, ͠a͠n̕d̸ ̸it ̷a͘lm͡ós̢t̛ ̵c͏ost ͘m҉e my li͠f̵e ̕to̶ es͟c̸a̛pȩ! now ̷y͜ou ̛want ͜m̛e t̴o ̧s̀top ̨w̕h̴en i ҉h̢a̶ve valuable̷ i̴nfo͏rmati͞o͢n̕, and a͠m̸ ̴in̨ ̕ne͠ed ͞of͜ ҉me͘d́i̡c҉a҉l ҉att́e͘n̛ţi̕on?"

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