11 ~ Gaster is Persistent

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Sans was having a generally difficult time. For one thing, his head was pounding. For another, he couldn't remember how exactly it had come to be like that, which probably meant he had been hit really hard. Thirdly, his limbs and body in general all had a heavy, weak feeling, meaning he had most likely been drugged. Fourthly, he was just generally groggy.

Overall, it seemed a pretty safe bet to assume that he had been recaptured, sedated, and dumped back into the containment cell. How long ago, he had no idea.

What he had managed to do before being recaptured was also just a hazy memory. He could remember summoning a broken Blaster... Lashing out...

As Sans tried to remember, he distantly heard the swish of a door and someone calling his name. He was still struggling to shake off the effects of the sedative, though, and didn't respond.

He could remember realizing that he didn't have enough Magic to kill, and coming to the conclusion that he would just try to do as much damage as possible before recapture.

Someone, Gaster presumably, roughly pulled him to sit up. He groaned, and, unable to hold himself up, flopped sideways. Gaster pulled him back up, held him up, and pulled off his shirt. Then Gaster lifted him up.

Sans could remember deciding that the most damage could be done by killing Papyrus, which would devastate Gaster.

Gaining a little more awareness, Sans struggled weakly as he was dumped onto the operating table. His attempts were easily brushed aside, though, as Gaster tightened the straps holding him down.

Giving up on escape, Sans focused on figuring out what had happened.

Lunging. At Papyrus. The fear twisting off the small skeleton. That same fear outshined by a rapidly growing hope. Even as Sans was coming down on top of him, Papyrus stretched out his arms.

Gaster moved to ready whatever he was going to hook Sans up to, mumbling about getting Sans to use his Magic, no matter what.

It was love in Papyrus's eyes. Even as Sans was trying to kill him, he still wouldn't give up on his brother.

Sans let out a sort of choked sound as he remembered Papyrus reaching out to hug him. There was a strange sort of warmth seeping through Sans' chest, and he could remember holding Papyrus for a fraction of an instant, and Papyrus hugging him back, before he heard the loud, sharp crack of bone, and then... he had woken up back in the cell.

Gaster was near again, a something-or-other that Sans couldn't quite see in his hands. He leaned over Sans, who let out a still-groggy, weakly moaned protest.

When Gaster reared back with a shocked gasp, Sans actually almost thought Gaster had listened to him. But he realized that if Gaster had been responding to his voice, he would have been looking at Sans' face. Gaster was looking more at Sans' chest. For a moment, Sans struggled to look down at his chest, but his skull was still strapped down against the table. He realized this quickly, and gave up with it just as quickly.

So he decided to ask what was so startling. "hhhnnnngh..." Sans groaned, then tried again. "whhuunggh...?"

Gaster glanced up at Sans' face, still with a shocked expression, then back to his ribs, but otherwise didn't respond.

Sans tried yet again, finally truly beginning to overcome the drugs. "whu... wha... whaz... wha're you... what's... wrong?"

Gaster took a shaky breath and leaned forward again, closely inspecting Sans' upper body. Sans flinched when Gaster's fingertips brushed his ribs.

"seriously... what's so scary...?"

Blinking a bit, Gaster pulled away slightly and looked back to Sans' face. "You mean... You don't know?"

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