24 ~ more than you can possibly give me

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Every step was agony. Every jolting, pounding footfall sent a blade of pain through Papyrus's entire body.

It hurt. So bad.

He was close. Close to being done. To giving up. Giving in.


But there was a voice. Soft and low and gentle. Familiar. Full of love.

It told him it was going to be okay. He was going to be fine. They were going home. That I know it hurts, but everything is going to be alright if you hold on, just a little longer.

Papyrus trusted that voice. He trusted the strong warmth of the Magic wrapped around him. He trusted the rhythmic pulse he could feel against his skull and hands.

He held on.


Asgore arrived at the Pure army camp. Commander Undyne was waiting.

"Commander Undyne," he greeted, "it is good to see you again."

She grinned and nodded. "You too, King Asgore."

For a moment, they walked in companionable silence. But Asgore noticed they were following a pathway that led deeper into Waterfall, not towards any of the buildings in camp. He glanced to Undyne, searching for an explanation.

"You heard there were a bunch of Corrupters?"

He nodded.

"They aren't fighting. Just sitting there, waiting. One'a 'em said they had a 'proposition,' and they wanted to talk to you directly. I wouldn't trust them."

Asgore chuckled dryly. "The only thing you can trust a Corrupter to do is lie."

"And try to kill you." Undyne concluded.

They walked towards the warzone.


Sans let out another string of furious curses.

They were hiding in a small tunnel a ways away from where Gerson used to run his shop, before the whole war tearing apart the Underground thing.

And there were Corrupters. Lots of them. Swarming the place. Well, not really. More just milling around, but there was still no way they would be able to get by without being seen.

Granted, he knew a few other routes to get back to Pure territory, but they were longer and slower, and he wasn't sure if Papyrus could make it.

Still. It was better than nothing. And it would give him a little more time to think about why in the world the entire Corrupt army was stationed so close to Pure territory.

It was almost like... they were an audience or something, just waiting for the show to start.

Regardless, he held Papyrus a little tighter, grabbed Alphys's hand again, and started pulling her along.

"come on. i know another way."

They started running again.


There was a large mass of Pure soldiers, ready to fight and defend the Pure side of the Underground. On the opposite side of the rather spacious cavern, seemingly the entire Corrupt army was just... lounging around. Waiting.

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