19 ~ Imposter

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Something was horribly wrong. He could feel it, pounding in his chest, burning in his eye. Something was horribly, horribly wrong.

His head.

His head hurt. It was hard to think.

Hard to move.

So, so wrong. Had to stop it.

No. stay down. Rest.

Can't rest. It's not right.

Wrong place. Shouldn't be here.

Have to stop. Stop it.

Sans. Calm down. Please.

So wrong.

Sans. Please, just stay down.

Have- ...



It'll be alright, Sans. You'll be okay. Just rest, you'll be alright when you wake up...



Gaster didn't believe it. Hardly dared to believe it. This was all just some sort of horrifying nightmare, and soon he would wake up, and things would be...


This last year, it hadn't been normal, but at least it had made sense. This? This didn't.

Because it wasn't Papyrus who was at the hospital in critical condition. Noooo, it was Sans. And Pure, no less, still wearing his torn, dirty combat fatigues, splotched with dried Determination and Magic.

Most of his wounds had healed, but he was delirious and feverish, and dangerously low on Magic.

For the moment, though, he was in a stable condition, an IV drip feeding Magic into him, wrapped in several layers of blankets.

And Gaster still had another son to find, and some... other monster in his lab.

This was all so blasted confusing.

After giving a number of nurses strict order to call him if Sans' condition changed, Gaster headed out to continue his search for Papyrus, the red scarf wrapped around his neck.

Commander Undyne was waiting for him in the hospital lobby.

"Doctor..." She began.

"I do not have time to stand around and talk; I have another son to find. If you have something to say to me, you may tell me, but I'm not going to stop."

She nodded and fell into step beside him as he headed from the New Home hospital back towards where he had found Papyrus's scarf. As they walked, she explained how one of her canine unit had smelled a sort of Sans-y scent, and all the other dogs had verified it. They had followed the scent trail until it had led to Sans himself, half submerged in a murky pool of water, mumbling deliriously. They had brought him to the hospital, where Gaster had been alerted.

And from there, Gaster knew the rest. Well. Of what had happened since then. How Sans had ended up Pure, in Waterfall...

He had to find Papyrus.

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