37 ~ Only a Scientist

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Gaster made record time to Waterfall. Perhaps it was that the raw determination in his eyes told monsters that anyone who got in his way would be punished. Or perhaps it was the extra Magic he had consumed that gave him more speed. Either way, it was only a short time before he was at the Waterfall base.

With Undyne temporarily out of action, Commander Gerson had stepped out of retirement to lead the Pure army once more. Gaster and Gerson knew each other quite well, and the old tortoise-monster was nowhere near as intimidated by Gaster as Undyne was, so if Gaster happened to run into Gerson, he knew there was a rather high chance of his solo mission being scrubbed.

The solution was simple: don't be noticed by Gerson.

Unfortunately, that was going to be a little difficult, as Gaster wanted to grab some things from the armory, which meant walking straight through the middle of the base.

Luckily, Gaster employed the "act like you belong there, and people will think you do" trick, and made it into the armory all right. Thus, he left the armory successfully equipped with a thin layer of armor under his lab coat, and a couple of small weapons.

It was on his way out of the base, heading eastward towards Snowdin, that Gerson saw him and stopped him.

"What do you think you're doing?" That was one thing Gaster appreciated about Gerson. The old tortoise was always quite frank.

Best way to respond to that was more frankness. "Going to save my sons."

Gaster really hoped he wouldn't have to fight Gerson. Blue Magic really was draining, especially with a monster with such a heavy body and strong Soul.

Gerson squinted at him. "No yer not. You'll be killed."

"The sentiment is appreciated, but really, I am perfectly willing to lay down my life for my boys."

"... Selfish."

"... What?" Gaster was, quite honestly, taken aback.

"What yer doin'? It's selfish."

"Oh? I fail to see it that way." Gaster tapped his fingers together, internally debating how long he could waste in this conversation before he should just give up and use Blue Magic. "Please, old friend. Enlighten me."

"You're  the Royal Scientist. Over half the weapons in this army came directly from you, and more'a the integrated weapons get passed from parent to kid genetically. Now, say ya go out there, 'n' ya get yerself killed. Where do we get our weapons? We don't, and we lose the war, because we have no weapons, and our weapons inventor went an' got himself killed, tryin' to be a soldier when he wasn't one."

Gaster was silent for a moment. He steepled his fingers together, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Then he looked at Gerson and smiled. "You are, of course, right, Commander. Now, then, would you like to know just how much I care about that?"

For a moment, they just stared at each other.

Then Gerson let out a huff. "There's nothing I can do ta stop ya, is there?"

Gaster shook his head, smile still plastered on his face. "No, no not really."

Gerson sighed again and shook his head. "Fine. Go." He started to trundle off, gesturing slightly. "Jus' don't get yerself killed. I don't like ta lose my friends."

Gaster nodded, mostly to himself, and set off again.


It was a surprisingly long time before he ran into any of the Corrupt.

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