Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

'You better know what you're doing' She replied as I reached a couple of steps away from the rogue king.

Clenching my jaw, I suppressed the anger that wanted to rise up, and pulled a tight, dazzling smile on to my lips. "I knew you'd come round darling" He smirked once I reached him, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug; which I grudgingly returned. Xavier's growls shook the ground we stood on as everyone stared in utter belief.

"This is for taking everything away from me" I whispered in the rogue kings ear. Quicker than he could react I pushed him away and kicked him in the jaw, sending him flying in to a tree.

Everyone reacted immediately as battle cries were heard and or warriors clashed in to fight with the rogues. Blasting at the rogues, who were holding guns to my parent's heads, they too went flying like the alpha king, and hit the wall of the rogue kings base.

"Harper" My mum cried when I skidded in front of my parents on their knees.

"We need to get you to safety" I spoke quickly as I saw the rogue king get up in the distance. Grabbing the knife form my ankles holster I swiftly cut the ties on my parent's wrists and ankles before getting knocked to the ground by a rogue.

The body was knocked of me as quickly as it came as Xavier snapped the rogue's neck swiftly. By now the rogue king was stood up and walking towards me at an alarming pace. My eyes snapped to Xavier's grey ones, 'Get my parents to safety' I mind linked him quickly before running towards the rogue king.

'I love you' Xavier's voice flittered in my mind and from my peripheral vision I watched as he helped my parents to their feet.

Focusing on the rogue king, I increased the pace of my running, and headed head first for him, as he mirrored my actions. The distance between us decreased rapidly and i watched the anger wash on to his face, like a wave washing on to a beach. Last minute, I jumped high and flipped in the air, gripping on to the rogue kings shoulders I flipped him over in to the air and slammed his body of the ground whilst I landed on my feet gracefully.

"You son of a bitch" I growled and let the ager course through my veins quickly. My right foot dug itself in to the twat's ribs and I was rewarded with a satisfying snap and a scream of pain.

A jab to my side knocked me to the side and my hands scraped against the hard ground as I tried to save myself from the fall. A rogue came out of nowhere and kicked me in the side; mimicking my actions towards the rogue king.

Rolling on to my back, I watched as the rogue prepared him for a fight. "What is it with you twats always interfering with my fights?" I asked rhetorically and sent a clump of dirt straight towards his face; successfully knocking him quite a distance so he could be ripped apart by one of Xavier's warriors.

Ha, teamwork.

Jumping up from the ground, my attention fell on the spot where the alpha king had been, only to find that he is now gone. Sighing, I scanned the battle field, as it doesn't look much like a clearing anymore, for any trace of the rogue king but came up empty.

'Is there any sight of the rogue king?' I mind linked Scott and raced towards a rogue that was fighting one of my warriors.

'I thought you were fighting him' He replied instantly while I threw the rogue in to a nearby tree, knocking him unconscious.

'I was, but I lost track of him' I replied huffing, and aimed a lump of dirt at a rogues feet, knocking him over.

Racing forwards towards a rogue outnumbering one of Xavier's warriors, I dropped down low and kicked the rogue's feet out from under him. His body fell to the ground in a heap and I jammed a knife in to his heart, killing him instantly. "Thanks Luna" Xavier's warrior thanked before running off to fight.

Just as I was about to tackle a rogue to the ground; an ear splitting scream tore through the air that stopped all the fighting.

My attention snapped towards the roof of the rogue kings base and I watched as my mum was dangled from the roof by his throat. The hand holding my mum's throat belonged to the rogue king and I watched as he smiled at me, sickly sweet, before he snapped my mum's neck; and dropped her limp body to the ground.

My screams tore through the air as my knees buckled and hit the floor violently. "No!" My dad's shouts accompanied my screams as he dropped besides my mum's dead body.

Arms wrapped around my body protectively as Xavier pulled me in to his chest. So many emotions overwhelmed me I couldn't even identify them all; but one stuck out, the most.

My growls were continuous as Aurora surfaced. The trees swayed in the violent winds and people lost their balance as their bodies hit the ground. My growls shook the trees as thunder brought the sky to life.

'Kill them!' Aurora growled my mind.

Pushing Xavier away from me I gave Aurora ad felt unknown strength course through my body.

Rising to my feet, I watched as people backed away in fear. The sky turned dark as the rain came down in sheets, turning the previous solid ground, to mud. Moving my gaze to the rogue king I watched as fear made itself evident on his face as he tried to back away.

Focusing on the air around it, it began to compress and circle beneath his feet, lifting him in to the air. His screams and cries for help died in the sound of the wind as I rose in the air with the wind. "You sick bastard!" My voice growled out.

Jerking my arm to the side I sent a bolt of lightning to his hand. Zooming forward at unimaginably speeds, I clipped a hard jab to his jaw and broke it with ease. His screams tore through the air and I sent a kick to his temple, which knocked him in to a tree.

His body hit the trunk violently and snaps coursed through the air as his body hit the ground with a thump. Moving back to the ground, I landed gently and grabbed a nearby knife.

My footsteps move agonisingly slow towards my prey as a bolt of lightning hit the tree he was leaned against. Reaching the rogue king I buried the knife deep into the flesh on his shoulder and focused on the blood.

His screams made people wince as I forced the blood through his open wounds. Using sparks from the lightning bolts I created a ball of fire and sent it flying forwards to his legs. Following up the fire quickly, I slammed my foot down on his head and sent it snapping back with the force of the impact.

Turning around I watched as everyone watched me intently and my eyesight zoomed in on the left over rogues. Using the ground under the rogue's feet, I lifted it and was rewarded with the rogues screaming in fear. Lifting them up to the same height as the forest's trees, I smiled sickly, before slamming the dirt back to the ground. The rogues stayed still in the air for less than a second, before their bodies fell violently and their heads became bouncy balls as they bounced off the ground.

A jab to the back of my neck broke my balance and I was sent stumbling forward a couple of steps before I caught my balance and turned around quickly. "Isn't it about time you died?" I spat out at the rogue king as he got in to a fighting position.

"I don't go down that easily baby" He smirked cockily, although; it looked kind of weird with his broken jaw.

"Shame" I spoke icily and bitterly before sending a bolt of lightning down his spine. Acting quickly, I sprinted to the rogue king and sent a kick to his nose; making him fly back in to a tree. Again.

Stalking forward slowly I reached the rogue king and looked down on him in disgust. "Say hi to death for me" I spoke and elbowed him in the nape of the neck before kicking his head against the tree trunk. His skull spilt open and blood pooled around his dead body.

Cheers could be heard all around by warriors cheering for our victory.

For the rogue kings death.

It was finally finished.


2169 Words
This is the official last chapter of Protector; I will be uploading an epilogue to clear things up on how they ended. But besides that the book is finished. Over time, I will go over the chapters and edit out any mistakes but that will be it.
I want to thank you everyone who read, voted and commented on this book; it means so much me, you don't even understand.

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