Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Harper's P.O.V

The clearing; that had somehow turned in to a battle field, flooded in to a perfect, untouched silence. My muscles instantly tensed and became rigid as I looked at the man that had tormented me for so many months.

The man that had taken everything away from me; and ruined my life.

Rogues flanked the rogue king and the rest of mine and Xavier's warriors stood firmly behind us.

My growl rumbled lowly throughout my chest, at the assholes threat, and the wind shifted slightly. "Don't hurt them" I spoke lowly that I wasn't even sure he had heard me.

"Too late for that, we've already done it enough" He tormented and smiled at me sickly sweet. "I thought you would have guessed that by the nice letter I sent you"

"Go fuck yourself" I spat out as if the words were poison on my tongue.

"I want your men of my land, and I want you to come with me" He stated simply, ignoring my previous comment, making Xavier growl lowly."Then I will let your parents and the rest of your pack members go" He bargained.

"Never" The word came from my mouth automatically.

"Very well then, you leave me no choice" he shrugged in reply and gestured to the rogues holing guns t my parent heads. The sound of the safety being turned of clicked though the air, and my body jerked forward.

"No, Stop!" I shouted and my eyes landed on my parents. I took in their attire. They looked close to death, and I knew they wouldn't be able to fight their way out of anything even if they tried; they were too weak. Their eyes trained on me as thy silently begged me not to do what they thought I was going to do.

My brain ticked with ideas on how I could get everyone out of this, along with myself; but there was none. Snapping my eyes back up to the rogue king his ugly features morphed in to a smirk as he watched me weight my options.

Breathing Xavier's scent in deeply, I managed to calm Aurora down a bit; since she was pacing back and forth in my head wanting to be let out. My green eyes matched with the rogue kings and I nodded my head gently before looking down at the ground. "I'll come with you" I spoke loudly so everyone could here.

"No!" My parents shouted and tried to move as Xavier's loud growl echoed through the air.

My feet reluctantly tried to take a step forwards, but my body was halted as Xavier's strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist, and pulled me in to his chest. "She's mine!" He growled out to the rogue king, making him laugh.

"Xavier trust me" I whispered in his ear, so only he could hear, and his muscles tensed further

"No, you're mine" He growled out and his eyes switched between grey and black.

"I have a plan, I promise I'll come back to you" I cupped his jaw in my hand and made him look in to my eyes. "I promise"

His eyes swirled back to their usual gorgeous grey colour, as they held so much raw emotion.

"Just wait for my signal" I whispered so low only he heard it. Pushing the air in between us, Xavier's grip on my waist was forced to let and he was pushed away from me.

His shouts echoed in to the silent clearing as my body reluctantly turned and began taking steps towards the asshole who calls himself the rogue king. My parents' shouts echoed in my ear drums as did the others, as people shouted numerous words at me; but I blocked them all out and focused on the plan.

'What are you doing?' Aurora growled out lowly and urgently.

'Just trust me' I replied back hastily as the distance between me and the rogue king decreased with every step I took. His moth stretched in to a smug little grin as he pushed his arms out, gesturing for a hug.

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