Chapter52:Beat To Win or Lose!

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(Let's see what exciting situation will happened to Ash and his friends in this chapter).

On their way to Azalea Town,Ash and the girls got caught up in a rain so they stopped by to a Castle to dry themselves up.

Misty:(knock2x)Hello can we please come in?Hello is anyone there?

Sabrina:I sense There's a not lot of people inside this castle,wait someone coning!!

Then finally a man dressed in a butler uniform opened the door and look at us carefully.

Butler:Yes?,Can I help you folks?

Ash:Can we come in please?

Butler:Oh I see!, the rain,of course come come,I will bring some towels,wait here

The bulter hurriedly go fetched us some towels.

Josh:Hey you guys!!,What are you all doing inside my castle without my permission?

Misty:Well your Butler let's us in because its raining outside,sorry for intruding!!

Josh:Wow two gorgeous girls inside my castle,Well for the two of you I make an exception so welcome to my humble castle,let me introduced myself I'm Josh the lord of this castle.

Misty:I'm Misty,pleasure to meet you

Sabrina:Sabrina Nice to meet you too!

Ash:And I'm As---!!

Josh:Hold it,I only talking with these two lovely girls right here,not to you trash,get out of my sight!!

Ash didn't really like the insult Josh given to him but since he just inside this guy castle he let it slide for now.

Misty:Hey that wasn't necessary Josh,Don't insult Ash

Josh:Looks the two of you have a relationship with this trash here,well then I need  claim you two by a battle!!

Josh grabbed his pokeballs from his back and pointed at Ash with a menacing look.

Misty:What? Are you talking about?

Sabrina:We're not just a thing that you just claimed for yourself!!

Josh:You say that now,but after I finish off your protector here,you two will be my wives hahaha what do you say trash?

They all look at Ash who just staring down at the floor then finally he spoke.

Ash:you know,I'm glad that you finally showed your true color,But I declined, I'm not a foul to just bet my friends to a spoiled jerk like you!!

Josh hold on to his anger and keep his poker face like what Ash did.

Josh: Okay then,what about a bet,here!!

Josh showed them a the deed of this castle and everything on it and placed it on a table.

Josh:If I win,I take your two beautiful friends here and became my wives,and also that cool staff of yours behind your back and if you win that is,let you have this castle I owned and the people who working inside it,deal?

Sabrina:What? You can't do that!!

Bulter:No he can,because he defeated my former master and take owner ship of this castle,that is the traditional of this place.

Josh:Yeah that former owner is just a worthless piece of shit,he didn't even stand a chance to me!!

Ash:Okay Deal,i take your bet

Josh:Good since the rain is finally stop we can battle outside,a double battle got it!!

Ash:Got it

Misty:Ash what did you just do,you bet us for a freaking castle to that guy,are you serious?

Sabrina:Misty hold on,I think Ash didn't just argee on that offer for no reason right Ash?

Ash:Of course,just watch how I play with this fool alright!!

Misty:Fine better win this or else!!

They walk in to battle field and stepped in to there trainers box.

Josh:Let introduced my powerful duo,Go Ursaring,Nidoking finish this fight!!

The two pokemon growled loudly shouting their names fearlessly.

Ash:Wow an Ursaring!!

Misty:An Ursaring?,Let's check this out

Misty pointed the pokedex at Ursaring that she had borrowed from Ash.

Dexter:Ursaring The Hibernator Pokemon Although it has a large body,it is quite skilled at climbing eat and sleeps in the treetops.

Misty:So is it strong? I can't tell?

Josh:Oh its strong alright, Ursaring show them your true power

Ursaring:Ursarinnnnngggg!!(Ready to smash)

Ash:Then let me introduced my pokemon Lucario,Arcanine I choose you both!!

Ash pokemon take their battle stance and stared at their opponents.

Josh:Wow that staff really is perfect for me,Now Let the fight begin Ursaring Swift,Nidoking Giga Impact!!

Ursaring fired his Swift towards his opponents while Nidoking charge at Lucario using Giga Impact.

Ash:Lucario Counter Swift with AuraSphere then use BoneRush to counter also Nidoking Giga Impact,Arcanine Extreme Speed at Ursaring then use Flame Charge

They did what Ash told them to do perfectly,Ursaring blasted away from Arcanine attack while Nidoking got kicked by Lucario.

Josh:Grrrrr Nidoking Megahorn and Ursaring use HammerArm!!

Ash:Easy,Dodge it all,Then finish this Arcanine DragonPulse and Lucario AuraSphere

They dodge the attacks easily and Attack also while in the air,Blasting away Nidoking and Ursaring across the field unconscious.

Josh:No way!!,How did I lose?

Ash:Easy your just keep attacking me so I got a chance to attack your pokemons undefended while attacking.

Josh: You cheated bastard,This battle isn't count!!

Butler: nope I see it all,Ash didn't cheated so that means Ash is the new owner of this Castle!!

Ash:To think I got a castle this easily, Well a bet is bet.

Josh:I won't forget this

Josh returned his pokemon and retreated into the forest.

Butler:Well then I welcome you my new Master to your castle

Ash:Pleasure,so what's for dinner?

Butler:Follow me I take you all to the Dining room!!

Well the whole night Ash and the girls had fun inside the castle,as Ash being the new master the all the people who living in the castle is going to be his caretaker of the castle while Ash is on his journey through Jhoto.

Ash and the girls stayed in the castle for 3 days then continue their journey to Azalea Town.

Butler:We always be ready to serve you Lord Ash,please be back soon!!

Ash:Don't worry I be visiting here again while I have time alright!!

Misty: Bye bye see you all next time!!

Sabrina:We had fun, thank you all for the help!!

Ash waved his last goodbye and turned his attention to the road and as they continued their journey.

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