Chapter32:Freezing Battle!!

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(The look of the Audience and Jessica faces is hilarious hahaha well I'm pretty you know what going to happened next but still find out this chapter).

Main Arena

Previously Jessica Camerupt is almost defeated when she use Camerupt last resort and use Roar to switch Ash Charizard into his other pokemon he wasn't used tournament.

Ash now had no clue what going to happen.One of his pokemon would randomly appear any second. this was not what he wanted.he watched as one of his pokemon came out from the staff.he was palmed,not this early.however it was too late.flying on the field was Articuno.however Articuno was flying around enjoying the hilarious faces of the audience is making.

Everyone in the stadium suddenly fell silent.Ash noticed the shock expression on Jessica face,and the stunned expression on the referee seems someone is enjoying the attention

Articuno:Articuno Articuno!!(master look at their faces they hilarious hahaha)

Finally the referee came to his senses.he nervously introduced.

Referee:umm__Articuno vs Camerupt,begin!!

Jessica was still standing there mouth wide open.not knowing what to do.this trainer had a legendary pokemon and not just any but Articuno one of the three legendary birds who doesn't want to be seen by humans over the years.Jessica was just thinking how can she win against him and had one word on her mind"Fuck".

Jessica still stood there wondering what to do.if she forfeited then all of her hard work up yo now have been for nothing.however if she didn't forfeited it was very likely  that she would be schooled and that would do more damage to her confidence than forfeiting.finally making up her mind she decided to Battle Articuno with all her might.

Jessica:Camerupt!!Articuno is weak against fire type use overheat to finish it!!

Camerupt uses his strongest Overheat to Articuno who were just flying casually in the field.

Ash:No choice but to use you Articuno fly to dodge it then use Gust!!

Articuno flew high above the field and use a strong Gust attack to Camerupt causing it to blow away against the wall with swirly eyes.

The referee raised a flag toward Ash

Referee:Camerupt is unable to battle,Articuno wins.seeing how three Jessica pokemon are knocked out.the battle will change now, trainers you have a 15 minutes break!

Ash calmly patted Articuno head saying you did great and returning her back to his staff and headed down the stairs to rest in the locker room.

Ash just opened the locker room and suddenly Misty tackled him to the floor while Sabrina is just sitting on a bench looking at them happily.

Misty:Ash why didn't you tell me you have a legendary pokemon and how did you caught it?

Ash:Woah Misty calm down I tell you everything okay!!.

So Ash did tell Misty and Sabrina How he meet Articuno but didn't how he caught it because he be telling that he has power to turned into a pokemon and also Sabrina already know it beside not knowing he was Arceus son.
Ash told his story quickly so he can still rest and the two girls are now satisfied with his story not wanting to know more.

Misty:that was awesome Ash,I didn't notice something happened like that when we traveled together.

Ash:well my secret is out,now the world know that I have Articuno,it just after the match more fans and people from the news are definitely coming to get me(sigh)!!

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