Chapter23:Meeting a Psychic!!

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(Woah Ash and his friends are going to back Saffron city to challenge the Psychic gym leader,can Ash defeat her find out).

Traveling throughout the region is tiring but Ash and his friends are made it the Saffron city pokemon center and rest there for a day.


Man my Seventh gym badge,once I get the Marsh badge from Sabrina then I go quickly to Viridian city because I heard rumors that the gym leader their is back and I want to battle him and my final badge.

In the pokemon center lobby

Misty:Ash I was thinking that after you get your badge, I kinda think of staying over at my house and go with Brock to Viridian city without me!!

Ash:well that's is your choice to make not me!!

Brock:yeah I kinda think I staying at my house too Ash,so you have to get to Viridian yourself but don't worry we meet up again in the league so good!!

Ash:okay guys I understand,so let's go headed to gym now.


I started to stand up but suddenly the whole area stop moving even my friends then I feel presence of a person that standing behind me.

Sabrina:you must the challenger,who came here again are you?

Ash:yes that is me,nice to meet you Sabrina!!

Sabrina:it seems you already know my name,but that isn't what I came here for!

Ash:then what is it?

Sabrina:You have a powerful presence and Aura inside you that I really interested in!!

Ash:so you can feel my Aura,not surprising by that but is that all?

Sabrina:no you have must stronger power hidden inside you but I can't really feel it so I interested to follow you all over the city.

Ash:what no way!!!, just stay at your gym and wait for me their!!

Sabrina:you no fun(pouting)

Then she quickly vanish causing everything to move again.

Ash:come on guys let's hurry!!

While we walking through the city,I notice a girl in the reflection in the windows of the store that we currently stop at.

Sabrina:Hey there Challenger,let's play for a bit!!

Sabrina eyes turned bright stop the time again,she then walk through the glass window and pulled me inside the glass window where I only see is black void of darkness.

Sabrina:welcome to my realm Challenger now,Your Name Please!!

Ash:Ash the name and your on!! But what kind of game is it?

Sabrina:the rule of this game is to survive every attack the oppoments gave to you like a pokemon battle but instead of pokemon we must fight with our powers,knowing you have a power of Aura and me power of Psychic,now let's Begin!!

Sabrina gathered some psychic power in her hands then unleased it towards me hitting my right leg and I begun to fall on my kness,shit she serious about this, better as well get serious too.

Ash:The Power inside me response to my to my will "Aura Mode"!!

I changed my clothes into my Aura Guardian outfit that my mom gave it to me in my start of my journey.

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