Chapter7:Viridian Forest

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(Hey guys this is the part where Ash captured a ____________ he he its a secret just keep reading guys and I hoped you enjoyed it bye!!!)

No Body POV

On their way to the Pewter city our heroes need to go through the Viridian Forest but Misty has other plan.

No!!No!!!No!!! We can't go through this forest Misty said complaining and stomping her foot.

But Misty, the Viridian Forest is fastest way to the Pewter city Ash said convincing Misty to go.

No!!No!!No and thats final Misty said still Standing her ground.

Alright suit yourself I'm going alone you can stay here if you want Ash said slightly pissed and headed to the forest.

No Ash don't leave me here said Misty and quickly catch up to Ash.

Inside the Viridian Forest

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bugs bugs bugs Ash quick get it away from me ahhhhh Misty said screaming in Ash back.

Arghhhh Misty please be quite you just attracting more bug pokemon to us Ash said holding his ear.

Just Let's get out of here fast Misty said still hiding in my back.

You know Misty Viridian Forest is big right so we need to camp here at night Ash said holding Misty head to calm her down.

(sob)I just(sob)don't like bugs Ash so stay close to me(sob) until we outside the forest alright(sob) Misty said holding her cry.

Alright I be here,I will not leave you I promise Ash said holding her hand tight.

Now Ash and Misty while holding hands is walking to a path that lead to outside the forest,then Ash notice a Caterpie in a tree and touch it with his staff,the Caterpie quickly suck to the staff and captured by Ash.

Alright I got a Caterpie said Ash holding his staff to the air.

Hey Ash, what's with that staff? It kinda awesome where can I get one?Misty ask with stars in her eyes.

Well its one of a kind so I think you can't find it anymore or buy it Ash said readying his staff to call a pokemon.

Caterpie I choose you!!! With that Caterpie appeared in front of Ash and startled Misty.

Ahhhh a bug (Smack) Misty punch Ash in the face.

Ahhhh you really hate bugs huh Misty Ash said with a swirly eyes in the ground.

Opps Sorry Ash I really can't handle bugs Misty said looking at Caterpie disgustingly

Okay, Okay Caterpie return Ash point back his staff at Caterpie and recalled him.

Sheesh Misty you really hate them don't you Ash said scratching his head.

I can't help it they really creepy and slimy ewww just thinking of them gives me the creep Misty said still shivering.

Come on Misty let's find a place to camp for the night Ash said walking away from Misty.

Wait for me Ash don't leave me alone Misty said quickly followed Ash.

While finding a place to camp Ash notice a truck camouflage in the forest.

Hey Misty is it me or I seeing a truck camouflage in that bushes Questions Ash to Misty.

Yeah its a truck alright Misty said pretty sure of what she saw.

Alright let's go find out Ash quietly appoarch the truck.

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