Chapter38:Dark and Beautiful (LastEliteFourBattle)

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VIP Room

Lance and Steven is sitting on a opposite side staring each other waiting for someone to talk.

Lance:So Steven, I expecting the other the champions to quickly come here and watch my battle against Ash huh?

Steven:Well that is obvious Lance, when you heard or see about a trainer who caught and use three legendaries in a tournament,what kind of person who don't come here and watch it themselves.

Lance:its seems the tournament are gonna get crazy when they arrived.

Steven:it sure is Lance,Cheers!!


Back at the Stadium

The afternoon battle between Karen is going to start now and as usual the stadium is packed.

Karen requested a battle while wearing a formal attire so Ash has no choice but to wear formal clothes.Misty and Sabrina didn't like what Karen asking Ash to wear but they have no choice and they gave in to help Ash choose his clothes to the tournament.

Ash Locker Room

Ash is busy standing in front of a mirror while Misty and Sabrina is fixing his clothes.

Ash:is this necessary?, I mean the two of us are just going to battle with our pokemon not in a dance hall!!

Misty:Ash if I know the reason!, I already tear off that suit of yours but sadly I don't know the reason so stop your yapping and stand still!

Sabrina:Misty is right Ash,we don't know what's Karen plan to do in your fight so be careful,I have a feeling she going to do something!!

Ash:don't worry girls, whatever she planning to do ,it's not going to stop me from winning hahahaha!!!!

Misty playfully hit Ash head causing him hold it and hide his pain.

Ash:Why you did do that for?,it hurts!!

Misty:don't get big headed Ash,Karen is the Leader of the Elite Four she not going to lose to you that easy!!

Ash:okay okay I get it,don't get confident got it!!

Misty and Sabrina finish fixing Ash clothes and stare at him for awhile admiring his looks.

Ash:hey you guys!!,you can go now my fight is about to start!!

The two girls snap out of it and slowly walk towards the exit but before saying their goodluck to Ash.

The red lights begin to blink meaning its show time.Ash get out of the locker room and headed to the field.he climbed the stairs leading him to his trainers box.he reach his spot and stood their calmly until a loud scream is heard in the crowd lose his cool,the screaming came from his cheerleaders because of what he was wearing,most of the girls in stadium shout his name loudly and some them is taking picture of him remembering he was a famous model one time in a magazine months ago.

Ash is patiently waiting for his opponent until a black carriage with four Houndooms pulling it in the field.a woman dress in black gown came out of the carriage and walk to the trainers box.all of the crowds in the stadium went crazy especially the men who shouting and whistling at her saying she a goddess or that one hot chick,tiu named it,but Ash is just calmly stranding there unaffected by her looks causing Sabrina and Misty to sigh in relief.

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