Chapter21:To Seafoam Islands!

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(Ash has now five badges and now to get his six from Seafoam islands, where he found a tough gym leader and captured two powerful pokemons,find out this chapter).

Now Ash and his friends is on a cruise ship heading to Cinnabar island, one of the islands in Seafoam that has a gym.


We arrived at the port and headed to the pokemon center in this island,we entered the center and talk to Nurse Joy where I can find the gym,she said its near the top of the mountain near here.

Brock is still want to talk to NurseJoy and Misty wants to try the famous hotspring in this island and I can't really refuse her to go, so I go by myself to find the gym.

Few hours later

I still didn't find the gym for couple of hours.
Arghhhhhhhh where is that gym!!!! I shout from the sky.
(Sigh) I give up maybe I find it tomorrow and I kinda hungry now.

While I walking back to the pokemon center, I sense a powerful pokemon nearby and it has the same power with Zapdos,I stop walking and started to follow the pokemon in the mountains.

I climb the mountain hoping to find it and after few minutes of climbing, I reach to the top of it and find a giant blue bird resting inside a cave.

I recognized the pokemon as Articuno the Freeze pokemon and it notice me hiding in a boulder and use Ice beam at me.

I dodge it and get a distance away from Articuno,she get out of her cave and let out a big shout,Articuno flew uphigh to ready her next move.

Ash:Articuno am not here to battle,I mean no harm!!

Articuno:(why I believe you human,you are only here to captured me right,so its normal for me to defend myself from you so ready yourself!!).

Shit Articuno don't listen to me,so I have no choice but to battle her,Articuno is a Ice type so I better transform in a pokemon with type advantage to her.

Ash:I got it!!!,Prepare yourself Articuno because I'm going to battle you myself!!.

Articuno:(foolish human,you came here to captured me and not bring a single pokemon with you,hahaha you make me laugh!!).

Ash:okay I warned you,the Power inside me response to my will "Transform".

Light ingulf me and started to change my body and appearance,my body changed shape into a rock sturdy body and I turned into golem like pokemon.


I take into my battle stance and ready to move but Articuno is just flying there in a same place with jawdrop and shocked face,oh yeah she doesn't know that my mom is Arceus and I have power to changed into pokemon I choose hehehe.

Articuno:(what the??,How can you turned into Regirock that's impossible!!).

Ash/Regirock:Answer later, well are we gonna fight or what?

Articuno:(I don't know,how you do that but I still gonna fight you,take this Icebeam).

Ash/Regirock:Charge Beam!!!!

Our attack miss each other and both hit us directly but Icebeam doesn't really effective to me and Chargebeam that use on her is effective because she was a flying type.

Articuno was badly damaged by my attack but still willing to fight.she use Blizzard on me making my foot to froze in the ground and can't move a step.

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