Chapter28:The Unstoppable Trainer

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(Ash is on the roll beating up trainers one by one in the tournament, but is their a trainer out there who can defeat this unstoppable trainer named Ash,find out!!).

Nobody POV

The three trainers then left the locker room,however soon as they get out of the door.Ash found autographs books being pushed in front of his face and the group of girl fans crowding around him.Ash pushed through the crowd,he had only been in two battles and already he was being treated as a star well technically he's already been a star when he and Misty model for that magazine advertisements.Eventually OfficerJenny came to his aid,and help him out the arena but also request for a autograph, Ash sweat drop and autograph Officer Jenny book.

The three trainers then quickly made their way towards one of the restaurant in the Indigo league complex.Ash already pre-booked them a table so they walked right in and were seated away from the rest oh the guest.Ash wanted this to be just about Sabrina,Misty and him,no other interference. The three of them chat while eating,Misty was curious about Why Ash Only use Charizard and Sabrina also thought about that idea and ask Ash about it.Ash tell them its a secret and they soon find out apparently.

The meal went down without a hitch and Ash could tell Sabrina and Misty was a little bit happier.

After the dinner he had decided to take them for a walk around the lake near the Indigo league complex.

The three trainers walked hand in hand both holding Ash hands side by side,just enjoying the peace and quite of the lake,they saw a few water Pokemons splashing around here and there making Misty to watch them more in delight but apart from that everything else was peaceful.


Wow what a day,sitting in this bench with two beautiful girls by my side,there is no great moments than this.

Misty:hey Ash can I ask you something?

Ash:sure fired away!!

Misty:well I just thinking that I want to travel with you some more in every Region you be going too and also Sabrina wants to come along as well,so do you mind the two of us will come along with you in your journeys?

Ash: well if that is your choice then I have no right to refuses your choice!!

Misty/Sabrina: Thank you Ash (kiss both Ash Cheeks at the sane time).

Ash:what is that for? (blushing)

Misty/Sabrina:hehehe nothing!!

Ash:come on its getting late,I have a match tomorrow so I need sleep early!!

We headed off to the pokemon center and rested inside our rooms.

Next day Grassy Field.

I stood in my trainer box,ready for my final match of the qualifying round,I was already in the main tournament so this battle is just for show really,I looked cross at my opponent,She was wearing a long summer gown and straw hat she cute I gave her that so I decided to tease her a bit.I gave her a small wink,causing her to blush a little(girls typical).I watched the referee take up his position on the edge of the battle field.

Referee:this is a battle between Sarah Coburns of Celadon city and Ash.this is a two on two battle,all clause are all in effect,Once all pokemon can't continued to fight,I will declared the winner,Trainers send out your first Pokemon"

Sarah:Go Eevee!!


Ash:cute little pokemon but cuteness can't stop me from winning,I choose you Charizard!!!

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