Chapter30:Quarter Final Match Up!!

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(Ash is only using Charizard on this tournament because he wants to be connected with him for them to Mega Evolved so expect Charizard is the only pokemon Ash will choose in this fight).

Indigo league main arena

Ash stood next to a trainer named Ritchie,apart from the two of them their were six more trainers.All of them stood looking up at the screen.Mr.GoodShow had given his speech and now they were finally going to find out who they were going to face.He noticed his picture flipped and then his opponent card flipped showing the face of Ritchie.Ash was surprised by the match up,however he was here to win and so he had to face anyone put in front of him,

Ritchie on the other hand is having a thought on how he's gonna defeat Ash   Charizard.He was up against to a trainer that only use a single pokemon and didn't lose in the whole tournament then Ritchie turned to Ash and extended his hand.

Ritchie: Oh well looks like its you and me Ash, May the best trainer wins!!

Ash:You too Ritchie good luck!!


Later that evening in the Pokemon Center.

I was inside my room with Sabrina and Misty,I was watching a few of Ritchie seems his main three pokemon were his Pikachu,a ButterFree and a Charmeleon.I was still thinking if I go on to my original plan using only Charizard to the tournament or changed into my different pokemon.
After thinking for 3 minutes I decided to continue my first plan and still use Charizard since we already this far why not continued.

I was still watching the videos of Ritchie when suddenly the bathroom door unlocked and Sabrina with Misty walked out in nothing but towels Sabrina with her long purple locks clinging to her body and Misty short  haired was down still wet but her body is slender and beautiful.I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.Sabrina and Misty both blushed but snap out of my senses and ran outside room with my face colored red

Indigo League Central Arena Looker Room.

I again was cross legged on the bench in the locker room in meditation,I did this every match and it was helping me a lot.I can feel many Aura from the Audience and Pokemon from the stadium then I gather half of their Aura then absorbed it making my mind focus and calm.Soon the buzzer sounded and I opened my eyes they were now glowing soft blue and it sharpening my senses everyr second.Slowly the blue vanished revealing me back to normal,I stood up take a deep breath,I adjusted my cap then headed to the stairs leading up to the platform.After spending few minutes listening to the crowds,we walked up to the stairs and out onto the trainers platform,the stands were packed once more.I looked over and acknowledged trainer was about to leave this competition.I stood ready and watched the referee take his position,both flags in his hand.

Referee:this is a quarter final match up between Ash and Ritchie from Frodomor city,this is a three on three contest, all clauses are in effect,once one trainers losses all their pokemon,I will declared the winner,Trainers send out your first Pokémon!!

Ritchie: Here we Go Sparky!!!

Pikachu:Pika!!(yes battle time)

Ash:so your Pikachu also named Sparky I kinda like that!!

Ritchie: Hehehe My Sparky are best right Sparky?

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