Chapter42:Safari Zone Part1

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(Poor Ash he have to eat 5 times of black colored curry Misty made for him last chapter and never wake up for about 10 hours that day but Sabrina managed to get Pecha Berries and feed it to Ash,Poor Ash almost got his life ended there good thing Sabrina is there).

Ash Misty and Sabrina is on their way to Saffron city when they came across a girl dressed in ranger uniform giving out flyers to people on the road.

Misty:I wonder what she handing out about? Maybe coupons for a restaurant or a half price on a salon ahhh I wanna know!!

Ash:then go get one of her flyers silly!!

Misty:Miss can I have one?

Sachi:Oh of course! here its our grand opening I hope you and your friends come!!

Misty:(reading the flyer)oh a newly opened Safari Zone filled with bunch of playful and Strong Pokemons to catch!,wow a Safari Zone we like come!

Sachi:Thank you very much here I guide you the way to the Safari!!

Moments later

They arrived at the entrance of the Safari Zone and another woman dressed ranger uniform came to us.

Irina:Hello There visitors I'm Irina the head ranger of the Safari Zone and we welcomed you all to our lovely zone!

Sachi:here just pay your entrance fee of $5000pokedollars each for one person, each of you will receive 30 Safari balls to captured wild Pokemons in our preserve so just enjoyed yourself and be careful!!

All of us:Thanks!!

The three of us  came inside the safari zone and we started to go around the long grasses and find a bunch of Pidgeys and Spearows in the grass then Sabrina notices a sleeping Abra behind a tree close to us.

Sabrina:Ash look a Abra here's your chance to caught one!!

Ash:Ehhh I don't really these balls,here I give my safari balls to the two of you 15 each,I don't really need it because of this!!

After I said that I show them my famous staff that I always carry on my journey.

Misty:oh yeah we forgot, you got your staff you really doesn't need pokeballs to catch one because of that!

Ash:My point exactly, Here I come!!

Before Ash can get to close at Abra it vanish from where its sleeping and teleported in top of a tree.

Sabrina:Oh forgot they always use Teleport to escape from harm!!

Ash:No matter,Take this "Captured"!!

Ash throw his staff towards Abra while in top of a tree causing Abra to get hit on the head sucking him inside of Ash staff.

Misty:Ash!!! How can you just throw your precious staff like that!!

Ash:Its fine Misty I caught Abra anyway let's just continue our hunting remember there's a time limit for being here so we must hurry and catch more pokemon!

Misty:okay fine I forget about it,let's head to that lake I like to catch some water type pokemon!!

Sabrina:Sure Misty Let's go

Ash:you guys go on ahead,I'm just keep looking out here for awhile!!

Misty:oh okay meets us here later Ash come on Sabrina I think I saw a cute Poliwag over there!!

Sabrina:Ehhhh!! But I hate Poliwags

The two of them vanish from Ash sight and he wonder more deep into the Safari zone where he found a cave.

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