Chapter41:Sweet Break!!

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(Alright guys Ash has won against Lance but didn't take Lance Title as Champion because if Ash became the champion now he can't go to the other regions and complete their Leagues,so Ash choose to travel and catch more pokemon on his journey with his friends).

days Later since the match with Lance.

Three trainers is going to Saffron city to visit their friend Sabrina home city.

Ash:So Sabrina who's in charge of your gym you never told us who became the gym leader while you with us on the journey?

Sabrina:Oh yeah I didn't tell you guys did i!,well my father the former the gym leader take my place while I'm away since he has nothing to do that time he insisted to take in charge for awhile!

Ash:I never meet father,what's he like?

Sabrina:Well most of all he hate Aura User because of his past with them!!

Ash:Yeah and that means your father hates me since I'm a Aura User!!

Misty: we go to that topic if we arrived there but for the mean time,I like to hear what your reason Ash to declined Lance offer of becoming Champion?

Sabrina:Yeah me too,I kinda surprise when you told us your not taking Lance title as champion!

Ash:Hehe okay I tell you both,it all started when we finish celebrating my victory against Lance.


Flash Back

Ash stood nervously outside a set of huge brown oak doors.his friends and mother were waiting down the lobby for him.

Ash:Wonder why MrGoodShow wanted to see me?I don't think he mad that I turned down the opportunity of becoming the Kanto and Jhoto Champion did I?

After few minutes of waiting the door opened a man dressed in black suit gestured for Ash to come in.

Ash:oh well here we go!!

ManInSuit:the chairman and the champions is ready to see now Sir Ash!!

Ash was confused again,champions?
He thought it was just the chairman he was seeing.

Ash walked into the room and noticed a huge oval shaped table stood in the center,and around it was several men and women that some of them I recognized quickly especially Cynthia who sitting beside Lance and some dressed in business suit must be board the head of the table was MrGoodShow to his right was Lance.Ash approached the table and stood silent while all eyes were now locked onto him.

The tensions was soon broke though by Alder when he raised his right hand.

Alder:Ash care to tell us why you refuses the offer Lance given to you,every trainers dream is becoming a champion and you just throw away a opportunity to become one!

Cynthia: Calm down Alder!, I knew Ash has reason to refuses Lance title!!

Lance:Indeed he has!!,a very good one!

Steven:So tell us Ash, what are your reasons to declined?

MrGoodShow:Lance has already spoken to me your reason,but we wanted to get it from you first hand!

Ash:Well Sir,like I said to Lance,I don't feel ready to take on the role of a role Champion,I'm only Eighteen years old and have only traveled Kanto.there are still regions for me to visit and explore then catch many different pokemon, my real plan is to get badges and joined the league in every regions to challenge Elite Four members and Champion to proved myself that I am a Pokemon Master.if I stay as your champion then I won't be able to explore all these places and meet new people and pokemon.So I suggested that Lance should carry on as champion,just because I beat him doesn't mean I want his job!!

MrGoodShow looked around the table and noticed the board and other champions was discussing what Ash had said.the boy had valid reason for not wanting to become Kanto and Jhoto Region.

Steven:So Ash,I expecting you to come in the  Hoeen Region in the near future, am I right?

Ash:Yup,after exploring Jhoto then I headed next to Hoeen so expected me to challenge you there Steven!!

Steven:I couldn't wait Ash!!

Dianthia:So Ash let me ask you,let say for example after you defeated Steven you not going to take his title as well right?

Ash:Yup that's the plan!!

Alder:Oh I get now!

Lance:About time you guys understand!!

MrGoodShow:Very well Ash if that was your decision then we accept it,I must say I am a little disappointed but hearing you reason,now makes me see the clear picture,you want to get stronger than you now and challenge all the leagues out there.I can respect that!!

Ash:Thank you for understanding!!

Steven:So Ash,Let's meet again maybe at the League or somewhere else!!

Ash:Glad to,If that's is all then I taking my leave,Good day to you all

Cynthia: (blush)Bye Ash till we meet again(waving her hand to Ash)

Ash:To you too Cynthia, bye!!

Flash back ended


Ash:Well that is all what happened, satisfied girls?

Misty:Okay I'm satisfied for now!!

Sabrina:Me too but what's with Cynthia only saying goodbye to you,did the two of you have a relationship together?

Ash:Huh? No its not that Sabrina,we just friends that's all!!

Misty: I still don't let my guard down when she around you that's for sure!

Ash:Okay I get it but before we can arrived to Saffron city can we eat first I am starving!!!!

Sabrina:Okay let's take a break their in that clearing and I cook up some of your favorites Ash alright!!

Misty:Hold up,I think its my turn to cook some food for Ash!!

Sabrina:Nope not a chance Misty,do you remember last time when you Cook some food for Ash,he's got knocked out for a day because of that!!

Misty:I admitted that I still not good at cooking that time but this time its different I'm been practicing!!

Sabrina:Sorry Misty Not gonna happened!!

Misty:Okay then let's have contest between the two us,the one who gets to cook the most Delicious food that Ash likes wins got that?

Sabrina:Bring it on!!

Then the two of them stare each others eyes with fiery stared.

Ash:Ummmmm girls I think I might skip on lunch for now don't you think?

Sabrina and Misty:Stay quite Ash >:0

Both said to me at the same time.

Ash:(sweat drop)Got it haha!!(I'm dead).

(Sorry about this chapter being short,but next chapter is going to be great I promise and by the way I Don't own Pokemon,peace out!!).

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