Chapter5:Route 1 Trainer

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(Ash is finally going to have journey let's see whose first Ash to meet in his journey)


Ahh my first journey by my self I look around the surrounding, just bunch of pokemon doing their usual stuff.

I notice my outfit,its kinda old fashion mom give it to me so I'm not really surprise,my mom is kinda lame for choosing my outfit so I let Flare and Leaf choice some clothes for me and hide it in my bag before going.

I changed my clothes and now look i descent pokemon trainer.
(Ash is wearing his first outfit now)

I started to walk forward outside the forest,I notice a bunch of Pidgey pecking some berries in a tree.

I ready my staff and wait for a Pidgey to come close but then a big Pidgeotto with different color from others flew down to a branch.

I panicked to see a Pidgeotto almost few meters to me then I got up and ready my staff.

Pidgeotto I'm here to battle you!!

A human spotted me!!!,I have no choice but to fight you Pidgoetto said to you.

Go Sparky I choose you!!! I point my staff to my oppoment and release Sparky in my staff.

Took you long enough Ash,I started to get bored in there! Sparky said impatient tone.

Pidgeotto use wing attack at Sparky but he dodge it easily.

Sparky use Electro ball!!

It hit Pidgeotto and left him paralyze in the ground but he started to flew up again and use Wing Attack straight at Sparky.

Sparky use Iron Tail to counter it then finish him with Thunderbolt.

Both attacks collided and both of them back away from the force,Sparky use Thunderbolt immediately and hit Pidgeotto quickly falling to ground with swirly eyes.

You did it Sparky!!

I know I can Sparky said then we high fives each other.

I walk towards the fainted Pidgeotto and touch it with my staff and said "Captured",the pokemon quickly goes inside my staff.

I captured a Shiny Pidgeotto hell yeah I shout and point my staff into the air.

Congratulations Ash we have another friend to our group Sparky said then jump into my shoulder.

That's right buddy, lets find some more friends.

30 minutes later after catching Pidgeotto.

Ash with Sparky in his shoulder is walking their way out of Route1 when they notice a girl fishing in a river.

Looks likes she got something I thought.

The orange haired girl pulled out her fishing rod and catch a Gyarados,the girl was shock of what her catch is and started to feel scared.

The Gyarados is about to attack the girl when I ordered Sparky to use Thunderbolt to the Gyrados.

The Attack hit the pokemon and it instantly fainted in the water.

I Rush towards the fainted Gysrados in the water and touch it with my staff and say "Captured" the pokemon quickly goes inside my staff and walk towards the scared girl to help her.

Hey Miss are you alright?

Ah yeah thank you for saving me she said

The name is Ash and this is Sparky and you?

Misty! She said looking down hiding her face.

Misty POV

My big catch turns out to be my big down fall I thought as I about to be attack by Gyarados,then nothing happened I slowly open my eyes and saw a raven haired guy with a pikachu in his shoulder, he must be the one who saved me.

He walk towards the fainted Gyarados and touch it with his staff then the Gyarados vanish all of the sudden.

He then walk towards me and ask that I was alright, I said yes and he introduced himself and myself.

OMG a guy just save my life,I can't believe it.

I walk towards Ash to speak with him.

You have one strong Pikachu huh!!

Ah Sparky yeah he's my number1 partner right buddy he ask his partner

pikachu! said with a cheerful tone.

Where are you going Ash?

Oh we headed to the Viridian city he answer while scratching Pikachu chin.

Oh really thats great because I kinda thinking if we can go there together!

So I can protect to from wild pokemon hmmmm Misty? Misty he said teasing me.

No of course not I can protect my self thank you very much I said pouting and embrassed.

Okay suit yourself,come on pikachu he said and slowly walk away towards the road.

Hey wait!!!

They look back at me smiling (he so cute wait what did I say that maybe not)

Well your coming or not ? He said still waiting for me to follow.

Coming wait up Ash

Maybe traveling with him may not be so bad afterall I thought.

(So Ash just meet Misty here, well its kinda funny seeing Misty scared of a Water pokemon hahaha so tune in more guys)

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