Or was what I was going to do before I remembered the slime cores in my {Item Box}. I took a different route and headed outside to an Inn I recently started staying at. It's called 'Silver Horse'. It's a decent place that's pretty cheap and serves good dinner. There is only one problem, the waitress.

   I'm 14 and the waitress is 17 so she is older than me obviously and that's not the problem. The problem is her attitude towards me. Is what I thought as I walked in the Inn.

   "Little brother! Your back! Her let your Onee-chan fatten you up a little. A growing boy needs more food otherwise you won't get any taller or stronger!"

    Is what Lilly, the waitress, said to me as she came up and hugged me. /*Breaks the fourth wall* I do not enjoy this at all because unlike some of you, (looking at you pervert Otakus) I don't have the big sister fetish. Or any fetishes for that matter. And just so you know, this hug is not enjoyable as it sounds, imagine being constricted by a fully grown Boa Constrictor (like the ones from the Florida Everglades) and times that by ten. Yeah, I'm dying here.
*Replaces fourth wall*\.

   Lilly was very strong for a barmaid. Every time she hugs me, I feel like my bones are being compacted like garbage in a garbage truck. I tapped on her shoulder to release me but,

   "I got you now, so I'm not letting you go until you say Onee-chan."

   Evil, pure evil. Curse that stupid truck for putting me in this situation and curse the author of my life for including this. (AN- for your information, I have no fetishes/preferences regarding women. But since I want this book to have a comedic effect, in going to include similar characters to what I've seen in other fantasy animes. This 'Big Sister' type seems to be common).

   I would never call someone Onee-chan. It's to embarrassing when the person in question is not your sister! I also didn't know how to react to this person with some weird fascination with me since no one has had this type of relation with me. When the other customers saw this, most of them started laughing at my predicament.

   "Just give up already Arthur." Random customer.
   "You know she ain't gonna let you go!" Random customer #2.
   "You can't escape her, HaHaHa.." Random customer #3.

   I know I can't escape her. She seems to have some sort of ability that sees me even though I try to sneak past her with my [Hidden Presence] and [Camouflage] skills. Just what is this girl! What mysterious power lets her see though my [Hidden Presence]! Well it seems I'm going to pass out soon so I decided to give her what she what she wants.

   "...ne.." I mumbled.
   "Wait, say that again Arthur!" She let me go a little but still held my shoulders while looking at me with a weird gleam in her eyes. I, on the other hand, took a huge breath and then looked away.
   Her eyes were wide with surprise and said,
   "Close enough! You made me happy today Arthur!"
   She started to dance around while my face was completely red. The customers were still laughing as I ran up the stairs to hide my embarrassment.

   I finally was in my room and I shut the door. Hard. And slid to the ground with my back against the door.

   <She seems to like you.>
   <Quiet Wes.>

   When I was done taking a breather, I went to the desk in the corner of my room and took out the materials for the {Capture Crystal} that I'm going to make. 4 monster crystals of the same rank, 5 monster bones of the same rank, and 1 slime core. I arranged them to where the crystals where formed like the corners of a square. Then I made a pentagon inside the square and then put a Knight Slime core in the middle.

   "This is the arrangement it shows on the screen, but what do I do now?"
   <Master, are you trying to create a {Capture Crystal} by any chance?>
   <Yeah, why?>
   <Then the last step is to infuse a little mana into the formation and say "Create!">
   <That's it? But wait, how do you know this?>
   <I my self don't know how I know this.>
<Well I give it a shot.>

   I already knew how to use mana since [Status] uses a tiny bit of mana, so I got a feel for it. I focused channeling into two of the monster crystals and,


    I was immediately surprised. Red lines of light connect the monster crystals together. Then the bones started glowing a pale white color and finally the slime core glowed. But, it was supposed to glow blue, not gold. It was glowing gold, why is it glowing gold. Pale gold lines spread from the core to all the other parts and suddenly a bright flash went off, blinding me.

   When I looked at the item, I saw a simi-transparent, gold ball about the size of a baseball sitting in front of me. I used [Status] right away.
Name: Capture Crystal. Rank-A.
Description: This Capture Crystal can catch any beast Rank-A and below with 100% accuracy due to it being a gold Capture Crystal. Beasts above a Rank-A only have a 50% chance of being caught. This can store up to 50 monsters.

   "...........Why is this {Capture Crystal} So OP?!?!?!?!"

   That night, a very happy but extremely confused young man's shout was heard throughout the Inn.
Author's Note- Help me out here. When your calling someone 'Big Sister' in Japanese but still use their name, is it -nee or -ne. Also, one of the tags is #manga for this book, so I will be adding common characters seen in other comedy mangas so don't think less of me for future characters. Last thing, I completely forgot to add Arthur's only guy friend that he will have in this chapter. He will be added in one of the next two. Goodnight! (for me anyways).

Truck-San strikes again!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant