Lost World [Chapter 5-6...Being the middle and in the middle of a war...sucks, right?

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Here's the fifth and sixth chapters of the storie RECAP - After Michelle's school gets attacked by a group of mercenaries, chaos ran through TamBell island. Seeing her principal get killed right in front of her she gets paralyzed in schock while the other students were rescued. It was not long 'till the mercenaries came and tried to kill her. Why are they after her, read and find out.........

Chapter 5

Meet the WISE

Michelle: "Where am I?"

When Michelle woke up she was sleeping in a bed in a cute room.

Woman: "You finally woke up, you sure are something you slept for half a day not including yesterday." She said

Michelle: She gasps and gets up quickly "Do you know where I am and how did I got here?" she asked

The woman had a white coat she looked like a doctor she had red short hair and

green emerald eyes, not that tall, and a bit on the chubby side. She had thick red lips

that matched her hair. She had a country-side accent.

Woman: "Oh right he picked you up, he sure is arrogant, not speaking to a cute girl like you" she got pissed and left the room.

Michelle: "Okay? Thanks for answering my question...I'll just figure it out on my own" she says talking to herself.

She was still on her uniform except her jacket, which she left there, put on her shoes

and kept walking around, the place had pretty hallways almost looked like a house.

She pushed a button and the freaky elevator came. She pushed the first button and

went up.

Michelle: Her stomach rumbled "I'm kinda hungry" she says rubbing her stomach

When the elevator stopped she was on a room like a lunch room only cooler she

entered and saw a man looked on his thirty's drinking and reading a book. Even

though gray is not a cool color he sure had a really cool hairstyle. He looked at

Michelle and she hid behind a chair.

Michelle: "What am I doing?" she said embarrassed by hiding from the man walking towards him "Excuse me do you know where we are and what am I doing here?" she asked he didn't respond "Hellooooo" she said. He looked at her with a weird face she was scared.

Man: "Well, looky here, looks like I found myself a young lady, Are you lost 'cause here in paradise we never get lost. Let's party" he said he looked at her again and fell asleep in the table

Michelle scared, confused, hungry and curious kept walking, the next floor was a

empty hallway with only locked doors, the air was even colder it was definitely a stay-

away zone and the last floor was the weirdest of them all. It had monitors


Michelle: "This place is creepy, maybe I can find why am I here and who are these people specially that guy from before" she said

Guy: "You're here because you are the chosen one" the man from before appeared, Michelle looked at him "Yo" he said

Michelle: "Why me?" she asked "I mean I do know the legend but why me? I'm not special at all"

Guy: "I don't know, I mean you don't look special" he said

Michelle: "Hey! That's not nice don't you know how to treat a person?" she said "ashole" she whispered to herself

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