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I had joke. What was it...

This isn't it, but oh well:

Q: If a rooster lays an egg and there's strong winds coming from the right and there's a storm on the left which way does it roll?

A: Roosters don't lay eggs...


When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

In the dictionary!!


I made up a joke and it is completely original and if someone else already made this then hmdbdhtndksmsndhevvdjd!!!!!

Ok, here it is!!

Where do cars go when they need to fart?

The gas station!!

Heh heh.


Not sure if this is a joke or not but its funny-

Me and you is friends,

You smile, I smile

You hurt, I hurt

You cry, I cry

You jump off bridge,

I gonna miss your text messages



Finally remembered a joke to tell you!! Ok,

"Never is a contraction of not ever.

Studying is a contraction of student dying."

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