RIP means Really Iffy Popcorn

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It is confirmed. You are all dead. So now I'm gonna think of ten things RIP can stand for.

1. Really Icky Potatoes

2. Ripe Internal Praise

3. Riding Invisible Poop (my personal favorite)

4. Roaring If Pretty

5. Relying in Popcorn

6. Restrooms Is Putrid

7. Retarded Impenetrable Pie

8. Real Imp People

9. Ready If Played

(Most confusing)

10. Reap In Peace

(Grim Reaper/Death Special)


I have gotten a response to RIP so you guys are Not Dead. (ND) Now I'm gonna make up things it could stand for.

1. Nauseous Doritos

2. Nickel Dime

3. Noodle Dude

4. Not Dumb

5. Nutter Derp

6. Narwhal Disease

7. Nightingale Dream

(Nicest one)

8. Never Die

9. Need Da-Deed

10. Nearly Dragged

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