Clouds. Clouds are derps.

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When I look at clouds, I see the stupidest, funniest, most retarded stuff. Here is a simplified version.

(I is evil ands only givin' you five!!)


• a constipated dinosaur trying to take a crap.

• another dinosaur looking at its butt to see if it wiped well enough.

• three miniature pigs with wings, circling the dinosaur cuz he can't see his butt.

• A snaggle tooth, squinty-eyed fish thing with a unicorn horn.

• a koala sitting in a booster seat, eating what looks EXACTLY like the soft serve ice cream from McDonalds.

(Note: These are all seen today. Except for the koala. I saw that a while ago. The others today weren't funny enough. If you like these, I will find more strange clouds.)

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