The Froot Loop's Adventre

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My short SHORT version of The Froot Loop's Adventure:

In a bowl....not so far away...

There was some Froot loops. There was only one red one and he was lonely. I don't need any of this crap, he thought as he jumped off the spoon and ran out the doggy door.

Then the fruit loop came to the bus stop. He jumped into a lady's purse and got stuck in her wallet.

When she got onto the bus, he climbed out and sat on the window. There was a gust of wind and he got whisked away.

He landed in front of Albertson's. He walked in and looked around. A dollar bill fell on his head and he spazzed out. He ran away.

The person chased their dollar around. The fruit loop jumped into a Froot Loop cereal box, knocking off the money.

The person saw the money next to the box and thought that they should buy some fruit loops. And the Froot loop lived a long, happy life.


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