Vote Kaitlyn for President!!

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If I am elected president, I will make inventions and wonders that will change the world!

My first presidential perk you will receive, is no more cars. We will replace all roads with roller-coaster tracks! There will be three lanes. One for youngsters, another for those afraid of heights, and one for the people who enjoy a wild ride.

As president, I will make an invention for all of the girls out there who hate drying their hair. That was me. So I've invented a booth. You step in and select your hairstyle on the screen on the side. With air and heat and all that, it will style your hair!

I will make every little child's dream come true. I'll invent a cleaning system and a special solution formula so that we can fill your backyard pool.

With Jello. Or chocolate. And if you are an adult who thinks its a repulsive idea, at least it'll help teach kids volume. I call it, 'Educational Sweets.'

My most important president act, I will get those dang fast food restaurants to serve their hamburgers with good-tasting pickles. Kosher Dill, any kind you want. Not cheap, probably-made-of-styrofoam 'pickles.'

And as for politics, no one cares about that stupid stuff anyways, so lets all forget about it! Think of the benefits! Less annoying news channels, no arguing, and maybe even world peace. I AM HERE TO MAKE THIS WORLD THE BEAUTIFUL LAND IT SHOULD BE!

Vote Kaitlyn Heywood for President!

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