My poems

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Peeps, I am going to tell you my poems. Here's an introduction....

These are my poems

Some are sad, some are happy

Some are mad, some are sappy

This is just the very first one,

But be thankful that it's now done.

Here is the REAL first one I call Nameless. It's a little- REALLY stupid so please, no hate.

It hasn't been the very best time,

When I can barely even think of a rhyme

For this stupid poem I just don't get

That stinks worse than my dog when she's wet.

If I entered it in a contest,

It would get last place unless,

Someone wrote a poem called Ode to my Shoe.

I'm very sure we'd all turn blue.

I've gotten a headache from writing this,

So that's why my poem will remain Nameless.

Number 2...

Making Fiends


Making friends,

How and when

Should I try it?

Watch out, you'll get bit

By the ones as mean as snakes out there

Heed my words and beware.

Worst yet, I've been busy with things,

So all I have for 'friends' are fiends.

I wrote this on the first day of school. Go figure, right? Now number 3...Oh, man. I was just, 'Oh, I'll make a poem.' and out of absolutely nowhere, I got this:

Flower of the Flame


Where the sky is so gray

It could be night or day

Where birds never sing,

Just ravens screaming

Their horrid song, nevermore, nevermore!

Where you can't tell what's after or before.

Where the wind is cold and sour,

That's where you'll find the lovely flame of the fire flower.

When the sun never shines

When everyone whines

When a creaky old bone

Will never not moan

When everything isn't nice,

When it's all cold as ice,

When it rains a blood shower,

Is when you'll find the flaming flower.

Why is it dark?

Why is it cold?

Why is every rock covered in mold?

Why is the world filled with gloom?

Why must we fall, with a bang and a boom?

Why must we wait for years and hours

For that flower?

Who is responsible?

Who is to blame?

Who is the one to be put to shame?

Who found the thing, bright and red

Who suffered the travel where they sweat and bled?

Who was it that made the world filled with no power?

Who never found the blood-red flower?

What did we do?

What is so wrong?

What can we do to turn the beat of this sad song?

What are the consequences?

What made everyone cower?

What created that beautiful flower?

Can you answer my questions?

Or can you not?

Do they just make your brain want to rot?

What happened to the world we knew?

How will it effect me and you?


See what I mean? Out of nowhere that popped into my head. Weird, huh? Well that's only three, so I'll tell you more tomorrow.

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