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Nothing still? What???

The craziness is leaving me

My insanity is leaving free

My goofiness? Wave good-bye

My funniness is beginning to die.

My random stuff

Has had enough

So now it's out the door

Leaving me boringly, less fun as before.

Don't let that happen! No, I'm on my knees!

Don't let my personality fly into the trees!

Don't ennie meanie miny mo

Just let my wackiness stay and not go.

I want to keep my psycho

All of my crazy weirdo

I like me strange strangeness

I want to keep my fun, nonetheless.

I adore being goofy, it really is a joy

Even more fun than some dumb old plastic toy

The Weird Randomness of Me!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin