Ima Alien!

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How tell that I am an Alien:

• Aliens are smart and bad eyesight is a sign of higher intelligence. I have glasses.

• Aliens have bad eyesight on earth so That's why I have glasses.

• All Aliens, wether here at Earth or back on Planet Entrog, have a strange mark on their foot to tell if they are really really an alien. I do.

• I speak alien, duh.

• Aliens can be strange, quiet, and they have great revenge skills. They also get mad a lot. I am all of the above.

If you've answered yes to any of this questions, then you are entitled to a free alien membership! Just pay processing and handling and this wonderful offer could be yours!

Join the aliens today!

(Comment that you are joining the Alien alliance. All it is, is me being, "I HAVE AN ARMY!! ROBOTS, FEAR ME!!!" Thanks everybody!)

The Weird Randomness of Me!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt