Not sure what to call this...

543 31 18

If life gives you lemons, turn them into grenades and burn life's house down.

If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and have the world wonder how you did it.

Unless life gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna be whack.

Goosebumps is cheesy. I like cheese. WHO WANTS TO WATCH GOOSEBUMPS WITH ME??

Me? Crazy?? I should get down off this unicorn and slap you!

And to all my alien peeps, let me translate;

Eesnirg deedle Borg yop linarps, snift delbit endorf grnarshins nda brug deedle's snirf dwinwee.

Eesnirg deedle Borg yop linarps, sniftey snorp brink nda hevo deerp wooolnd lnsnige hork nuof ridet nis.

Snodubob deedle Borg yop wethed nda supardle, neef linarp-ade isda koing hoo eneedle whither- snick.

Iffbob isda chefler. O lirt chefle. Ook eedle bleedob snooork Iffbob dirk sniker- flee?!?!

O? Insantico?? O shoinder suot odle odd dirn corniu nda sleraw yop!!

If you read this you are SO VERY AWESOME, I just...


:') I tink I'm gonna cry.

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