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**Victoria's POV**

~Walking to First Period Class~

"Why didn't you let me go with them?" Isaac whispered.

"Because. I have to keep an eye on you" He sighed and looked at the ground. "I also know something none of them know." I said. He looked at me confused. "I know about your dad."

"You don't kn-"

"Would you care to explain to me how he died?" 


**Third Person POV**

"Drive faster!" Scott yelled at the slow driving Stiles.

"I... I can't.." Stiles said sounding as if he was fading into a sleeping state.

"Stiles! Your dad is in trouble! Drive faster to Derek's!"

"I.." He lost all motion and lost complete controll of the steering wheel.

The baby blue Jeep flipped to the side of the rode of a small hill into a lake. A loud screeching wail was heard deep in the woods where Scott and Stiles were headed.


**Victoria POV**

"I.. I don't know.." Isaac stuttered trembling as I stared at him with red glowing eyes.

"I believe you.. You may not know exactly who did it but you may know what it looked like." My long nails dug onto the back of his neck seeing what he saw. When I touch someone to read them, I usually get voices or images but when my nails are in their neck, I get full evidence on what exactly they saw. As I'm seeing what he sees, not even I know what killed his father. I'm not sure if I'm seeing one figure or... a large number of figures... 


**Scott's POV**

I was running for my life. Trying to get away from the Beast who now had an identification. The Alpha. "What do you want from me?!" I yelled. They didn't respond. I then stopped running and turned toward the Alpha. The giant beast got down to its knees and started to transform into a human. It was a woman. The woman looked up at me. "You?" she laughed and smiled. "That's impossible... You're a-"

"Vampire." She said finishing my sentence. Victoria was the Alpha.

"But how?"  I asked. She smiled and then looked behind me. Her smile faded.


I turned over to my left shoulder only to see millions of arrows fiercley running towards my direction each arrow hoping to kill me.

"VICTORIA!" I yelled as I woke up from my dream. I looked around and noticed I was in Derek's old burnt down house. "Where's Stiles?" I asked Derek noticing he was standing in the corner of his room. 

"I took him to the hospital to see his dad and to get himself checked out because you guys were involved in a car accident. They're both going to be okay. Now can you tell me why you're not in school? And why you just yelled her name?" Derek asked.

"Victoria.. She's..."


**Victoria POV**

"What the hell was that?" I whispered to Isaac putting my lunch on the table. He shrugged. "Are you glad that old basterd is dead?" He nodded and smiled. "Whatever that thing was... I'm going to find it. And I will kill it."

"Hey" Jackson put his tray on mine and Isaac's lunch table.

"Um... Hi" I said nervously. Isaac rolled his eyes bcause he can just sence whats about to happen. "Hey what are those scratches on your neck?" I asked. he trembled a bit and put his hand on the back of his neck suspiciously. He shrugged and tried changing the subject.

"So are you going to the dance tonight?" He asked.

"There's a dance tonight?" I asked almost choking on my 'juice'.

"Winter Formal." He said looking discusted by my drink.

"Oh. I don't have a date... I have lot's of things to do.."

"Do you want to go to formal with me?" He asked pulling out five red roses from his back-pack. I was amazed.


"Comon' Tor." He insisted. "This will be like good old days." He got up to sit closer to me. "Remember how this felt.." he said reffering to nibling my ear. Jackson then kissed my cheekbone and I turned to him about to kiss his lips when..

"Am I interrupting something?" Stiles said setting his lunch on the table.

"Stiles! What happed to your face?" I quickly got up in concern examining the scratches and bruses on his cheekbone.

"I just got back from the hospital. My face and dad are alright. Isaac, do you want to sit with me somewhere else?" We all turned to Isaac noticing the awkward body language. "I wouldn't want to be bothering the happy couple." Jackson smiled and turned to me. Stiles gathered his things and left with Isaac.

"Oh you forgot this." Jackson said throwing Stiles' notebook with great force hitting his face.

"B*tch." Stiles whispered enough for only me to hear it. 


**Scott's POV**

Derek got up and pinned me to the wall choking me.

"What are you hiding from me? What did you dream of?!" he growled.

"What does it even matter?! It's just a dream!"

"Yeah well dreams for us usually come true."



Hai guys. I'm so disapointed in myself for not updating in such a long time. I appologize because I was not using my time wisely. I have a new chapter up which is good! I was thinking about ending this novel and maybe making a part two.. I already have an idea for an ending and TRUST ME! You're going to desperatly want a part two. Anyways, thank you soo much for all the reads! It seriously means a lot to me! I  LOOVEE YOUU SOO MUCH!!! <<33


To Victoria: Are you in love with Scott?

Victoria: Definitely! As a friend...

THOSE ARE ALL THE QUESTIONS!!! If you have any questions for me or any of the characters, leave them in the comments! :DD


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