Daydreams, Oranges, and Secrets

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**Victoria's POV**

"Not a clue" Stiles said answering my question while looking suspicious. This boy is lying to me, and I'm going to find out what it is. 

*end of 4th period class. Lunch time*

The loud bell rings. 

"Hey Stiles wait up!" I yelled for him as his pace began to increase. I quickly look around to see if anyone can see me. Perfect. No one. I vampire speed run to him and catch up to him on the other side of the hallway. "Stiles!" i almost reached for his wrist but then he snapped it away from my reach and had a face full of fear. I then take a step back.

**Stiles' POV**

"What's wrong? what did I-"

"Everythings fine! Just please. Trust me." I said cutting her off and smiling nervously. I have to keep her away from me becuase if she touches me, I might get busted for lying. But I do want to know what her and Derek Hale have in their history. I want to ask but.. she might get suspicious on how I know about him.

"Alright" she sighed. "Lets go get a lunch table now"


We finally find a lunch table under a tree to provide us with shade. We then both take out our  lunch bags. I see she has a water bottle full of a red liquid. "Gross" i said as my nose scrunched and i gave an unpleasant face.

"Hahaha would you rather it be you?" she smiled as she looked in my eyes. She had these beautiful hazel green eyes that I have never noticed before. Victoria was very... beautiful. BUT my heart belonged to the one and only Lydia Martin. I have had a gigantic obsession- crush on her since kindergarten. Speaking of Lydia, she passes by the table I was sitting on with her best friend/ Scotts girlfriend Alison Argent.

"Stiles, where's Scott? I haven't seen him all day and he never called me last night." Alison frowned. I was just frozen because Lydia was standing right infront of me. "Stiles? STILES!" I could here her it's just.. Lydia was.. soo..

"Stiles!" Victoria yelled throwing an orange at me. Lydia let out a laugh so angelic and beautiful.

"ow! Whaat? umm.. yes he's.. I mean no." i said snapping out of my daydream.

'Okay? See you around then"  Alison awkwardly said as her and Lydia were walking away. My eyes followed Lydia's every step. 

I turned back at my lunch and i saw Victoria rolling her eyes. "Hey i think-" Victoria paused turning around to see Scott walking towards our table. "SCOTT!"

"Yeah?" he responded putting his stuff down at his seat.

"Where were you?!" she asked.

"I was.. well.. I'm.. I'm here now!" he said smiling.

"grr..why are you guys keeping secrets?" she said in annoyance.

"We're not keeping secrets!" I said, "we're just.. not.. teling you stuff."

"Ugh!" she said leaving our table.

**Victoria's POV**

"Ugh!" i said leaving the table. I went into the library.

"So what's with her and Derek?" i overheard Stiles asking Scott. These guys seem to forget Scott isn't the only one that's supernatural.

Wait... Derek... Derek Hale? No... This can't be.  

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