The Tell

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**Stiles' POV**

I quickly run back to the school panicking of what I just saw. Victoria was taken by some beast! My breathing gets heavier as I run. I was getting tired and I was less than half way across the fireld, so I decided to yell.

"SCOOOOOOTTT!!!!! SCOOOOOTT!!!!" I could feel my voice crack as I yell. "SCOTT HELP ME!!!" I was now halway across the field.

**Scott's POV**

I was in my Chemistrey class when all of the sudden I hear my name being screeched and yelled. I look at all my classmates to see if anyone heard that. I glance at Stiles' seat and I notice he's not there. I then turn to Victoria's seat and notice shes also gone..

I turn to Allison who gives me a warm smile.

"Hey did you hear that?" I whispered. She shook her head 'no'.

"Mr. McCall. Is there something you would like to share to the class?" My chemistry teacher asked. As I was about to respond, I heard my name once again. It sounded like... Stiles...

"Umm... I need to go to the restroom..." the classroom filled with giggles. My teacher facepalmed and let me go.

I walked toward the classroom door, opened it and walked away to the hallway.

"SCOOOOOTTT!!!!!" I cover my ears again and cringe because the yell was so loud and begin to power walk the hallway. "SCOTT HELP ME!!!" I then start to dash and ended up running toward the field. I heard a heart beat racing and breathing getting heavier.

I start running faster once I see Stiles on the field.

"Stiles what's wrong!? Where's Victoria??" I asked trying to hold him up because he looked as if he was going to pass out.

"Victoria!!! They... to- took.... Victoria!!!" Stiles tried saying but his breathing was taking over him. My eyes then widened. I felt like they were going to pop out of my head.

"What?! What do you mean they took her? Who!?"

"A big ha-hairy yetti looking be-beast!" He said stuttering. "It's e-eyes were glowing re-ed and it was-- oh god! I think I'm going to-" and with that, Stiles fainted.


A/N: Thanks for reading! And don't worry about the chapter being too short! I will update twice today because it's Teen Wolf Monday!!! ^_^

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