Be Okay

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**Victoria's POV**

I was looking right at Beacon Hills Hospital from the outside holding my bruised and bleeding rib-cage. I can't heal right now. I'm too weak.

I crawl inside leaving a path of black blood from where I entered. I then colapsed onto my back. My eyesight was getting blurry. The desk lady stood up to see what was going on.

"Hey! Wait.. We need to get her a room NOW! She's loosing.. blood. Black blood?" The lady yelled. She stood up running to me and was holding me up from my shoulders trying to hoist me up. I couldn't see her face because everything was blurry, but she had big curly dark brown hair and sounded familiar.

I tried fighting back with my eyes, but my eyes blurred even more until eventually.. I passed out.

                                                                                                                                                                                    **Mamma McCall POV**

I was in my lunch break eating on Donna's desk gaurding her stuff and the hospital while she goes home to get her lunch. As I was tasting left-over chicken from last nights dinner, I see something strange crawling from the ground leaving a trail of black liquid.

"Hey!" Then I begin to observe her. It was one of Scotts friends that.. I.. don't know the name of. "We need to get her a room! NOW" I yelled running toward her. "She's loosing.. blood. Black blood?"

I try lifting her up from the ground by getting her shoulders. She looked lost and confused eyeing everything that was around her as if she couldn't see.

"..Sc- Scott.." She whispered before passing out. Other nurses help me get her on the gurney (the rolling bed that hospitals have) that they brought. As soon as they took her away on the gurney, I run to the desk and go through my bag to look for my phone to call Scott.

As I patiently wait, I start rubbing my forehead in stress trying to figure out how I'm going to tell Scott that one of his friends is in the hospital injured bleeding black blood.

"Hello?" he answered breathing heavy.

"Scott you need to get here." I said.

"Mom, right now isn't the be-"

"One of your friends is in the hospital; she whispered your name when she passed out." I told him cutting him off hoping that would change his mind.

"I'm on my way." he said hanging up. Oh boy. 

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"I'm on my way." I said before I hung up on my mom. I'm one thousand percent sure that that 'she' in the hospital that my mom was talking about  is Victoria. I want to see if Victoria is okay but Stiles is hurt and on my bed from whatever attacked him tonight. I don't want anything to happen to him while I'm go- KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!

I turn to my bedroom window to see who was knocking. Derek. I run to my window sliding it open.

"What are you doing here?"  I asked. He had a white tank top that was wet in sweat. "Where were you?"


Then I remembered that someone is in the hospital right now looking for me and who know's if she's dead right now but, I need to go now.

"Lilsten I REALLY need to go someone is in the hospital that needs me. I want to go but I can't because something attacked Stiles and he is unconcous on my bed right now. Can you please take care of Stiles while I'm gone. I promiss we'll talk about this later." I said begging Derek. He took a deep breath and looked at Stiles.

"You positive he's unconsious?" he asked looking back at me. I'm sure Derek didn't want to socialize with Stiles.


"Fine." He said rubbing his forehead. I smiled mouthing 'Thank You' while jumping out of the window. 

                                                                                                                                                                                     **Derek POV** (Beware! Adorable Sterek Scene Ahead! Dat's right Gurl! I got you hooked! XD)

After 10 minutes of being alone in this room with a sleeping Stiles I begin to get really sleepy and lay on the bed as far away from Stiles as possible. After 5 minutes, Stiles starts snoring really loud and puts his arm around me.

"Stiles!" I yell elbowing his chest hard enough for him to start coughing and waking up from being unconsious.

"Owwww!" he yelled waking up. He sat up rubbing his chest and laying down once more putting his arm around me once again smilling and closing his eyes. I don't think he realizes who he's laying next to. His face was now centimeters away from mine. 

"Stiles." I said sternly.

"hmm?" He hummed not opening his eyes.

"Open your eyes." I told him. As soon as he opened his eyes it took him a while. Then he yelled and jumped away from me landing on his butt off the bed.

"I'm... I swear I.. I didn't know." He said standing up scratching the back of his neck. "What am I doing here?"

"I don't know." I said yawning. He got back in the bed away from me and went back to sleep, as did I.

They were chasing me. Trying to kill me. Hunting me.

"Why did you lie to us?!" Victoria yelled as we ran away from the hunters.

"She was my girlfriend I didn't know she was going to do that!" I yelled back.

"Kate wasn't your girlfriend! She was using you! Now because of you our families are dead!!! This was ALL YOU DEREK!!!"

I tripped falling on a tree root. Victoria ran past me and turned around. "I hope they get you." Victoria spat tearing up and running faster. 

"Where do ya think you're going little lady?" Kate said holding a dagger to Victoria's neck as she leaned on a tree. Kate slashed Victoria's rib-cage. She collapsed on the ground while Kate stood there laughing. I quickly stood up and pushed Kate away. I grabbed Victoria, put her on my back giving her a piggy back ride, and ran for my life.

This was all my fault! ALL OF IT! If it weren't for me, this fire wouldn't of happened.

 "Derek! Derek!" Stiles yelled rocking me in his arms as I was shaking in fear. I looked around everywhere. We were outside in the woods 50 feet away from my house. Then I looked up to him. Stiles held me tighter in his arms. "You're okay! You're okay."


Awwh! Sterek!!! Hahaha! Anyways! I want to do a character ask! You get to ask your favorite or your not so favorite character a question and I'll answer it as if I was that character!

For Example: To Stiles, will you ever ask Lydia out?

Leave your questions for the characters or me on the comment below and I will answer them on the next chapter!


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