You're Hiding Something

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(A/N: Probably one of my favorite chapters! :DD)

**Victoria's POV**

"He's not breathing" Scott said. My heart dropped from the announcement. After a few seconds I got on my knees and lifted his white tanktop up to his rib-cage and noticed just what I thought. I smelled that blood from the moment Stiles parked his car.

As I was examining his horrible scar, I not only notice it's at the exact place I have my scar that I got 6 years ago. I don't need an explanation to tell me who did this because I already knew exactly who did this to him.

I know exactly what's happening, and I know that we aren't safe right now. Especially me.

**Scott's POV**

Victoria was there with me on the other side of Derek's lying body examining his scar. Stiles was feet away from us because he's not too fond of the idea of blood and Victoria in the same place. Plus, he usually faints at the sight of blood. But who know's why he didn't faint this time.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Victoria. All of the sudden a deep opened part of Derek's wound starts fizzing.

"Poison." Victoria said.

"W-wha? How are we going to get it out of him?!" Stiles panicked. Victoria leaned in and sucked all the poison out of his system. "Oh that's how. Of coarse... I mean, we have a vampire here.. why not?" Stiles murmured to himself. Derek scrunched his face and resumed breathing.

"The poison was blocking his breathing to his lungs when it was being injected into him which made a hole to his lungs allowing the thick liquid poison to go into his lungs which was done by something... or someone.... he should be better soon" she announced. Someone?

"Thanks." Stiles and I thanked simotaniously for her heroic action.

"So were will Derek be staying? I mean, it looks like he shouldn't be alone. Someone or something could be after him. Like the beast that took you" Stiles claimed.

"Umm.. I'll... stay with him." Victoria voluntered.

"Whoa are you sure?" I asked in shock.

"Until he heals. And then everything will go back to normal ignoring each other. I'll be fine." She said.

**Victoria POV**

After I have said that I would take care of Derek until he heals, Scott took Dereks body and put him in Stiles' car to drive Derek and I to the Hale House so I can take care of him. But before that, Scott was nice enough to go to school and bring my car to me.

~At Hale House~

We were in the master bedroom for two hours waiting for the sun to rise and hopefully Derek to heal. He was rested on the master bed and I was sitting on the window couch staring hypnotized at the stars.

"W-what happened?" Derek mummbled. I turned around at him; he sat up. Then I turned back at the window.

"Why'd you save me."

"What do you mean 'why'd you save me?!' The alpha was going to kill you!" He yelled. "Thanks to me your idiot self wouldn't be sitting on that couch! I risked my life for you and this is what you say?! I alsmost died!"

"Well maybe I don't want to be saved."

"Well I will DEFINITELY make sure your wish comes true! I am TIRED of trying to make you forgive me! I know trusting Kate was wrong, I know what I did to you was COMPLETELY wrong, but that was SIX YEARS AGO! Stop reliving the past! Why'd you even come back to Beacon Hills in the first place!? What is your purpose of being here?! Why'd you come back?" Derek yelled.

"F*ck you." I said before storming out of the room. "And you KNOW why I came back."

"Ohh! That's right! I remember! Do you want me to tell Scott why you came back? Your little revenge plan too? How's Scott gonna feel when I tell him you came back because-"

"Shut up Derek!" I yelled as he was giving me a devilish smirk.

"They're after you aren't they? And after me.... I got you right where I want you."

"What do you want." I rolled my eyes.

"I want you to tell me the alpha that bit Scott. Then I want you to help me kill it."

"And..." I said seeing if theres anything in it for me.

"And I'll help you. I'll help you with your revenge plan. To kill the Argents. Each.. and everyone of them without having Scott or anyone finding out..... do we have a deal?"


(A/N: won't be able to update Monday:(()


To author, when will Isaac come into your story?


If you have any questions you want to ask the characters or me, leave them in the comments! :DD

Should I have Victoria make a deal with Derek?


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