Who's About to Die?!

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**Victoria's POV**

"Get mad." I told him.

(A/N; for those of you who don't know, Isaac's abusive dad use to be the swim coach and I'm going to change something up a bit and say that his dad also use to make Isaac swim or else he would be locked in the freezer. His  mother died when he was very young and his father died recently that is still unknown to us.)

**Scott's POV**

"Hey Scott!" Stiles called out as I was walking in the hallway waiting for 1st period to start.

"Hey what's up?"

"Uhh.. What's up with uh, Tor and Jackson?" Stiles asked. (A/N; Tor will be Victoria's nickname because I'm tired of writing out her name XDD)

"I don't know? I just got here. Why?"

"Because she's about to got out with Jackson tonight!" He whisper yelled gripping the collar of my shirt pulling me closer to him.

"Stiles!" I smacked his hand out because everyone was starring. "So what if she's going out with Jackson?"

"Tonight... is.. the full moon." Stiles said looking straight at me.

"But.. I have plans.. with Allison. Tonight! We just made up." I said punching my locker. Stiles and I both looked at my locker and noticed a huge dent.

"Yeah, well, unless you want that to happen to Allison's face, you're not going with her tonight." He said.

"But we just made-" I heard a loud scream coming from outside. "Did you hear that?" I whispered.

"Noo?" He said. 

"Come on." I said grabbing his long sleeve shirt.

I was in a hurry because I didn't want Tor hurting anyone because she's acting up for the full moon. Stiles ran faster passed me in concern. We were standing outside of the swimming pool gym whilst Stiles was trying his hardest to open the door by twisting the nob and smashing his body on the door. 

"Victoria!!!!!" He yelled. "Open the door!!!" 

I pushed Stiles out of the way, landing on his butt, and  I kicked the door down with my leg. 

"Oh." He said looking up at me rubbing his sweaty forehead. He quickly got up and we both ran into the gym and looked around. A boy (Isaac) was curled up in the corner while Victoria is sitting next to him hugging him.

"Whaa? Where did that scream come from?" I asked.

"I didn't hear anything?" Victoria said confused getting up; walking towards us.

"I h-heard it..." the boy curled up said. 

"Who is-"

"That's Isaac." Victoria said interrupting Stiles. "He was bitten by a Demi Alpha. A Demi Alpha is someone who took some of an Alpha's powers by almost killing it."

"Who's the Demi Alpha that bit him?" I asked.

**Victoria's POV**

"I don't know." I lied. Derek doesn't want anyone to know about him being a Demi Alpha because he thinks people are going to want to take it from him.

"Wait so are we going to find out where the scream came from?!" Stiles said.

"Wait Scott, Isaac, give me your hands." I said. They both came up to me and lend me their hands for me to read them.



~End of Reading~

I quickly let go of both of their hands and covered my ears from the high pitched wail. Wail... wail.. wailing woman...

"BANSHEE!" I yelled. "the only reason I couldn't hear her is because I'm not a werewolf! There's a banshee somewhere here! A wailing woman! They scream when someone is about to die!"

"Well who's screaming?! And who's about to die?" Scott, Stiles, and Isaac simultaneously yelled. 


Hai guys! I might just be able to update on either Saturdays or Sundays because of school :(( But hey! Better now than never! Lol HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TO TYLER HOECHLIN ON SEPTEMBER 11!!!

Questions!!! ^_^

To Victoria, Do you still  have feelings for Jackson?

Victoria- I don't know. I mean, we've known each other since we were kids and seeing him again really was exciting.

To Isaac, I LUV YOU!!!!!

Isaac- Ummm..... okay....

Those are all the questions! Haha If you have any questions you wanna ask me or any of the characters, leave them in the comments!!! ^_^

SMILE, LAUGH, and don't punch any walls in the throat! I LOOVEE YOUU!!! <<33

Don't Trust the Instinct (Teen Wolf FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora