How Could I Forget?!

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**Scott's POV**

"Derek?" I yelled. I walked into the livingroom. My footsteps echoed into the walls. I continue pacing until I see Victoria laying on the floor in a puddle of black blood. My hand shoots straight up to my dropped shocked mouth.

Was she alright? Or.. was she dead?

Without saying a word I run up to Victoria's lifeless body and look for a pulse. I reach for the side of the neck and wait for a beat. Nothing. I then start pressing her chest down with my hands and try CPR. One.. Two.. Three.

I put my head on her chest and start hearing a heart beat at a very slow rate, but she's not breathing. I then give her mouth to mouth to see if I can get air into her lungs.

"Alright! Here I go." I whispered to myself before smashing my lips on her mouth. I blew once and rested my head on her chest. My lips smash onto hers once more and notice she has opened her eyes.

"Scott!" She yelled pushing me away. I stumple back. She grasped for air and from were I was, i could hear her heart racing fast once more. Victoria sits up and looks around and lifts her hand up to see all that black blood she was bleeding. "You.. saved me. Thanks." She said giving me a warm smile.

She tried getting up but couldn't due to the amount of blood she has lost.

"Here. Let me help." I offered. I hoisted her up bridal style and carried her towards the burnt stairs of the Hale House. "You alright?"

"No. I need food." we both laughed. The I realized the type of 'food' she was talking about.

"Well, right now you can't do anything. You lost too much blood and you're too weak to hunt. Do you want me to take you to your car?" I asked.

"Please." She said looking dizzey. I once again hoisted her up bridal style and looked for her car.

"Ermm... where's your-" I looked down at her and realized she was fast asleep and snuggled closer to my warm chest. I then realized that she was taken and the car is most likely still at school.

Where should Victoria go? I can't leave her out in the woods. She would be too weak to fight off predators or hunters. Then I realized that I should probably take her home with me.

She's safer there.



After 40 minutes of JUST walking through the woods because if I ran, she would wake up, I finally made it home.

I put her on my back (piggy-back ride) and climb up to my window. As I get in, I realize Stiles is sleeping on my bed.

"Stiles!" I whisper-yelled. Still asleep. I bent down with Victoria still on my back and reach for my shoe. "Stiles!" I said throwing it.

"Whaaaaat?!" He whined jumping up and out from my bed like a ninja.

"What are you doing here?" I softy laughed.

"My dad is still at work! Plus, it's only 7:54!"

"Go home." I said.

"Oka- whoa what is Victoria doing in here and why does it smell like something is dying? Oh god is she dying?" he said covering his nose.

"No. She's staying with me. She has no where else to go." I said. As soon as I said the word 'staying', his eyebrows rose.

''Can I stay?!" he yelled.

"Shhhh! And no!" I whispered.

I set Victoria on the bed and covered her up with my sheets. A smile drew on her face. I wonder how longs it's been since she has layed on a bed. She looked so comfortable and happy.

"Fine you can-" Stiles was already on the bed about to put his arm around her. "Stiles get off! You're not sleeping on my bed! None of us are! Victoria only!" he got off grunting.

"Well than!!!" he said annoyed. "Hey man, where did you and Derek find Victoria?" He asked.

"De-" my mouth dropped whide open. "Derek wasn't there! It was just.. Victoria."

"Well where's Derek?" Stiles asked.

Victoria was the only person on my mind that I completely forgot about Derek!

What if the beast took him?!

What if he's... dead

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